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Recipe mega thread

This thread just keeps on giving and giving, I love it!
Seriously though, if you like any branded strawberry / cream combo juice just buy some basic ingredients and have a play around. You wont make an exact copy - 99.99% of all published "clone" recipes are bullshit, but you will eventually make something you like and you should be content at that.
This thread just keeps on giving and giving, I love it!
Seriously though, if you like any branded strawberry / cream combo juice just buy some basic ingredients and have a play around. You wont make an exact copy - 99.99% of all published "clone" recipes are bullshit, but you will eventually make something you like and you should be content at that.

I have been making mothers milk for a while and it is close if not just the same to me.
Hey guys, not such an issue with a few local vendors wanting to opt out of being named/cloned on this thread. Maybe a polite note on original OP by the great ape that started this thread. It's not often you have a good, close community like this. Learned a lot from POTV.

Here is a clone I made, it's called "Menage Au Phwoar" :D

Raspberry (CAP) - 10%
Graham Cracker (CAP) - 3%
Vanilla Custard (CAP) - 5%

Lucky punt I guess but it's just like the real thing in a dripper.. Whatever that is ;) All flavours are achievable to varying degrees ie your mother's milk may not be for me.. she may be vegan etc - seriously, just work at it and never give up!
Now, I get the whole "new juices are basically clones" bollocks, but there needs a line drawn here....

Yep....I get the "inspired by" bit as well...that's cool.....but coming on here and asking for clones of UK produced juices is just taking the fucking piss. Put in the hard work yourselves and pay out the fucking money with wasted concentrates, and litres of juice tipped down the plug because it ain't right....

If you want a "kilo" clone or whatever then try and work it out yourselves....don't go taking somebody else's livelihood by ripping them off for your own ends.

There's plenty of one shot concentrates available of you wish to DIY, or if you want to experiment there's recipes by the thousand on here.....

And here's where it might be controversial.....my own personal opinion is that I think it's a piss take to even ask.....I'm sure @diva @puffinclouds @South Coast Vaper @PlumeBlu and they like have invested a HUGE amount of time, effort and money to get there juices out to market....and if you want to clone it, well....that's a piss take....
Now, I get the whole "new juices are basically clones" bollocks, but there needs a line drawn here....

Yep....I get the "inspired by" bit as well...that's cool.....but coming on here and asking for clones of UK produced juices is just taking the fucking piss. Put in the hard work yourselves and pay out the fucking money with wasted concentrates, and litres of juice tipped down the plug because it ain't right....

If you want a "kilo" clone or whatever then try and work it out yourselves....don't go taking somebody else's livelihood by ripping them off for your own ends.

There's plenty of one shot concentrates available of you wish to DIY, or if you want to experiment there's recipes by the thousand on here.....

And here's where it might be controversial.....my own personal opinion is that I think it's a piss take to even ask.....I'm sure @diva @puffinclouds @South Coast Vaper @PlumeBlu and they like have invested a HUGE amount of time, effort and money to get there juices out to market....and if you want to clone it, well....that's a piss take....

I fully agree with this last bit. Haven't had any of @diva's juice, but the other three I have and they have made some of my favourite juice. However, I would never dare ask for a clone recipe of them, it's just not proper. If I had the pallette to distinguish different flavours I may have a go at mixing something similar for my own personal consumption, but I'd never go searching for a clone. I just have to make do with ordering some from them every now and then when I have the spare cash to do it.
I fully agree with this last bit. Haven't had any of @diva's juice, but the other three I have and they have made some of my favourite juice. However, I would never dare ask for a clone recipe of them, it's just not proper. If I had the pallette to distinguish different flavours I may have a go at mixing something similar for my own personal consumption, but I'd never go searching for a clone. I just have to make do with ordering some from them every now and then when I have the spare cash to do it.
^^^^ this
Notice how i said tweeked but you and me both know it wasnt out of thin air, he tryed another vendors juice liked it recreated it how he wanted that juice, thats all clones are so its the same. As i said call it nipple milk or cream and make it spot on to the original aslong as you aint nicked the recipey dont see an issue

To be fair I hadn't tried mothers milk before creating Nipplejuice. I had read the profile and thought I would have a crack at something like that, the result being Nipplejuice. The reason for the name was just a cheeky nod to mothers milk as all the feedback suggested similarities and I never thought for one minute at that time I would get around to selling it.
So yes not exactly thin air as I read the flavour profile but that's all.
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