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Recommend a single coiler

A bit of an oldie but the Obs Crius 2 is a little belter. The only thing I didn't like about it was the small capacity but I've put a Vaporesso Skrr bubble glass on it and it's back in use.
The Blotto Mini single is a decent little single coil RTA for flavour but needs to O-Ring taking out of the top or it will piss juice down the inside of your pants when your out watching ice hockey :)
I got a THC Blaze Solo recently; a mmmmmmmmike vapes creation. Interesting deck. It's a top flow single coil also available in dual coil. It's actually too airy fully open for me and I have to close it down quite a bit.

Still working through some problems. It's producing clouds but the flavour isn't there yet and it seems prone to trying to dry hit, currently. I think I may know why though and it's that the wicking needs to be very light and wedge shaped.

It also seems prone to airlocking. If I undo the top I can often see bubbles immediately released from the deck as the vacuum in the tank is released.

I think if I remove the o-ring from the top cap and adjust the wicking it'll likely help it. Probably also doesn't help that the "Shake it!" banana milkshake I have in it has only ever been shown a picture of a banana.
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The GT4S may be worth considering - I wouldn't describe it as 'airy' though as there is some restriction when fully open, but it is a great flavour RTA. (Its 23mm and 3.5ml juice capacity)

AliExpress have decent clones for around $25 which puts them at a similar price to mainstream Chinese single coilers when you add the VAT.
Plus one on the gt4s. Would also highly recommend the gtv.
I got a THC Blaze Solo recently; a mmmmmmmmike vapes creation. Interesting deck. It's a top flow single coil also available in dual coil. It's actually too airy fully open for me and I have to close it down quite a bit.

Still working through some problems. It's producing clouds but the flavour isn't there yet and it seems prone to trying to dry hit, currently. I think I may know why though and it's that the wicking needs to be very light and wedge shaped.

It also seems prone to airlocking. If I undo the top I can often see bubbles immediately released from the deck as the vacuum in the tank is released.

I think if I remove the o-ring from the top cap and adjust the wicking it'll likely help it. Probably also doesn't help that the "Shake it!" banana milkshake I have in it has only ever been shown a picture of a banana.
Now I've had more time to mess around with this tank, I've realised the wicking is fairly key to it because it has fairly deep juice wells. Sorteal on YouTube has a good video about it but basically the wicks benefit from being cut at an angle (as V shaped wedges) that just about tuck into the juice wells at the tips. I wet them and leave them to stand for at least five minutes to swell in place before filling the tank and don't try reshaping them once wet. The problem is if they're cut full length and square (like a lot of videos suggest), they'll tend to overpack the juice wells once wet. You want it wicked on the edge of flooding if its filled immediately. I've also swapped to setting it up with the largest diameter coil I can fit in there so it has loads of cotton inside it to act as a juice buffer and have swapped to using a swirly cyclone drip tip, which seems to have actually improved the airflow uniformity even more.
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