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Report of eCigs on 'This Morning'.


Jan 26, 2013
Dont know if anyone has just seen it, but there has been a report on eCigs on This Morning. Dr Chris Steele was very favourable about them. Good to see some positive reporting. Wasnt all excellent though, talking about strict regulation, meh! :)
Good report - pity they interrupted him by putting on those stupid glasses :20:

Can we recruit Dr Chris as an advocate? ;)
My only qualm was the regulation bit, he obviously isnt aware these are regulated or subject to a multitude of regulations in effect all ready.
I seem to remember he did another one a while back when vaping was still really unheard of and he was on the pro side back then. I'm pretty sure he specialises in respiratory medicine so he does know his stuff :)
HA HA! Funny you should say that Purplefowler - when I was watching the vid I started wondering what his background is clinically - and his Wikipedia entry was very surprising! As you said, he always seems to be very pro-ecigarette and suddenly it all became clear! And he looks like the sort of bloke who would be good company over a pint or four. :D

What a coup that would be for the Planet - Dr Chris as a member! :worship:
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Worth a watch that. Amazing how so often we hear that the danger comes from them being made in China now lol
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