o.k. thanks for all the welcomes guys and gals.....
just thought i'd share some good news today while i was out helping one of my buddies to lay foundations for his extension i got in the post x1 nice shiny new vivi nova stv kit and some new flavors to try (the vivi nova was a gross purple more pink imo!) so i removed that with a matt texture polishing wheel i have for frosting gols and silver pieces of jewellery, made it look a load better and now it blends in with my itaste mvp a treat.
anyways full tangent, i just wanted to say how well it works with the itaste mvp and with a tanks of hangsen fruit mix.... mmmm yum lol!!
just summat i wanna clear up in my head, if any of you vapists know... do dual coils vape through the juice quicker or is it my imagination??