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Rip Off Con Artist sellers...

like they say Once Bitten twice Shy i got stung by the ScubaGen sgMv3 for a atty and a Spares Kit £70 od quid i wont see again so I'm very careful now
there are loads of mods that tempt but i can't bring myself to commit to
always pay via paypal or credit cart, never dare to use bank transfer. I heard many people had this experience.
Sadly this rear's it's ugly head from time to time on the marine fish forum i am a member of.
One person at the mo is trying their hardest to rip off as many people as possible,keep's getting banned by the Mod's,but just set's up another user name and has multiple IP address's.
When paying by Paypal,never use "Gift" to send money to someone you don't know,as you are not covered for anything this way if you ever have a claim.
Pay the fee's instead and you are safe :grin2:
I totally agree with Bruce. We got stung once with alot of money (not my fault, my hubby's for being such a gentleman and trusting everybody! he honestly thinks everyone is just like him.

Well, what happened to us was on ebay, bidded on a 20kw generator...sent money directly into their account of £2000 and was sent a 5kw generator. Once bitten, and it was a big STING! never again!

I think Hubby's learnt a thing since, now only buys where paypal is offered.

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