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RMS and mean


Feb 11, 2014
What is the difference?

I know RMS is far more accurate where mean is just an average so has variances but I'd like to know from anyone how much is the tolerance on mean? Is it a life changing variance?
So it's to do with the power flow into the coil?

I've been using a 1.8 ohm coil and have the mod on voltage mode instead of power (usually between 3.4 - 3.8 volt depending on what flavour juice) as that appears to best suit my taste. Not fully understanding the setup however I'm not sure if there's a better way of using it.
RMS is the root mean square of the Pulse width modulated signal used to drive the coil, it gives a far more accurate level of power delivery than the mean setting and you will usually find that the output is somewhat lower than the mean signal (not always but usually about 0.7 of the mean signal). it is only used in PWM regulated VW mods (The ones with the rattlesnake sound) other types use a flat (ish) dc signal.
If you use RMS it will be far accurate I.E if you select 4.1 volts in RMS it will be 4.1 volts whereas mean could be anywhere round abouts. So could mean you burn your juice because it's higher than you thought!
So it's to do with the power flow into the coil?

I've been using a 1.8 ohm coil and have the mod on voltage mode instead of power (usually between 3.4 - 3.8 volt depending on what flavour juice) as that appears to best suit my taste. Not fully understanding the setup however I'm not sure if there's a better way of using it.

Bung it into power mode using the RMS then set it for 7 or 8 watts, you can adjust it up or down from there. Once you've found the setting you like you can leave it on that and the mod will automatically adjust for different coil resistances to keep the power at your selected level...:thumbup:
I suppose part 2 of that question then is what is the real effect of going between voltage and power ? As I said, I've used it on power for 3.4v, although occasionally I'll try it on watts and always it tastes like I'm burning the juice. Is that just a personal taste thing or am I setting it too high (although I only run it at 7watts)
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