Hi all
So I finally received my kylin mini v2 RTA and coiled and wicked it last night.
I'm not getting very good flavour from it at all. It seemed really good at first, but has since become rather muted.
Is this likely to be because I meed to get better at wicking, or should I expect some difference between this and the stock mesh coild I was using before? The crown 4 mesh coils offer insane flavour and I'm pretty disappointed by this as a comparison.
I have just read someone stating that rta's will not be as flavourful as sub ohm tanks.. but that's not what I was lead ro believe!
I've got a feeling that I over stuffed the coil and because of that, I also wasn't able to do too much fluffing of rhe ends, so is that where you'd start...rewick it?
I just wondered what your thoughts were on the above scattered ramblings?!
Oh, perhaps I should say. I puy the 0.13 fused clapton coil in it and have been trying anything from 45 watts up to 65. I tried to whack it right up to see if that helped, but at 90w it tasted pretty dry and burnt
So I finally received my kylin mini v2 RTA and coiled and wicked it last night.
I'm not getting very good flavour from it at all. It seemed really good at first, but has since become rather muted.
Is this likely to be because I meed to get better at wicking, or should I expect some difference between this and the stock mesh coild I was using before? The crown 4 mesh coils offer insane flavour and I'm pretty disappointed by this as a comparison.
I have just read someone stating that rta's will not be as flavourful as sub ohm tanks.. but that's not what I was lead ro believe!
I've got a feeling that I over stuffed the coil and because of that, I also wasn't able to do too much fluffing of rhe ends, so is that where you'd start...rewick it?
I just wondered what your thoughts were on the above scattered ramblings?!
Oh, perhaps I should say. I puy the 0.13 fused clapton coil in it and have been trying anything from 45 watts up to 65. I tried to whack it right up to see if that helped, but at 90w it tasted pretty dry and burnt