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RTA flavour vs stock coils

Just my opinion, but unfortunately, it's extremely subjective. There are a lot of factors, tank, cotton used, coil used, juice used, personal vaping style, so it's difficult to do more than guide. Only trial and error will get you there. You've done some research, which is a good start.

But, don't use too much cotton. Don't overstuff the wells. Raking the tails is good, helps juice flow. Maybe someone else will have some other ideas.
No, that's great, thanks. I'm realising a coil tool kit is pretty important too, or at least cutters and tweezers. I dont have either! Have ordered now.
Thanks for your help
I have wicked Tanks one way and they have been great then rewicked them the same way and got dry hits. This has happened mainly with Mesh and only with certain cotton, the Vapefly firebolt laces i have started to find are a bit thick for 2.5 id coils. What cotton are you using ?
Just to add to what has already been said you've gone from mesh to standard coils so the difference in flavour will be noticeable.

Just remember juice wells are for juice not cotton and as the kylin v2 is top airflow you'd be better off losely tucking the wick into the top oary of the juice well only.
There is a thread somewhere on here, but pretty much cut the wick to the edge and a little at a (upside down) v angle so when its folded down the ends all end up being layered down the side channel from the distance change from the outside to the inside of the wick when u put the chamber on....

If u dont inderstand, like i said, there is a thread somewhere.

The straight glass has a little trouble keeping up because the gap is so thin. Been thinking about sanding one of mine down to see if taking of the paint layer helps.

Other than that, i use a higher ohm clapton, lower wattage, and am good to go with that one
I have wicked Tanks one way and they have been great then rewicked them the same way and got dry hits. This has happened mainly with Mesh and only with certain cotton, the Vapefly firebolt laces i have started to find are a bit thick for 2.5 id coils. What cotton are you using ?
Oh erm, wick n vape cotton bacon I think its called. The reviews were good, so I went for that. With very little knowledge, I just relied on ratings and reviews.
So, a traditional coil on an rta will not be as flavourful as a mesh coil on a sub ohm? I see. I hadn't even tonight.
So actually, by getting the rta, I'm taking a backwards step with regards to flavour, not a forwards one?
Just to add to what has already been said you've gone from mesh to standard coils so the difference in flavour will be noticeable.

Just remember juice wells are for juice not cotton and as the kylin v2 is top airflow you'd be better off losely tucking the wick into the top oary of the juice well only.
I think I replied to the wrong person..so a traditionally wicked rta will have less flavour than a mesh sub ohm?
Just an update.. I've re wicked snd now I've gone from muted, dry hits to a mouthful of juice every time!
Wicking is really just a case of trial and error until you sus it out then hopefully replicate it once you do. Coil height can play into how much flavour you do or don't get.

As far as flavour in general goes: Mesh RTAs > Mesh Stock Coils > Traditional Coils.
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