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Russian 91%/Kayfun lite clone

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its just my divers are more consistent for me and easier to live with on a day to day basis...think ive found my niche vape hence why i love my mods so much :)
taifun all the way for me to, better vape , easy to set up and fill/empty etc just easier to live with all round ;)
I may have to try a tailfun, although the kayfun has almost cured my shinneyitus, be a shame to relaps !
its just my divers are more consistent for me and easier to live with on a day to day basis...think ive found my niche vape hence why i love my mods so much :)

Not tried a carto tank setup, I would be interested in trying one :)

I may have to try a tailfun, although the kayfun has almost cured my shinneyitus, be a shame to relaps !

If your happy with the kayfun I wouldn't try the taifun because my opinion it will ruin the kayfun :(
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i use divers now jason but try a cheap set up from vape gear...linky below....quality tanks only help with leaks and seals etc and of course looks...give it a go cos for out and about theyre great :)...imo anyway

actually scrap that i think ive got a couple of little bits i could send you :)
Im lovin the kfl but its seen better days, its took some hammer and mole grips.......hence the new purchace,

may give it a go in the new year, they are getting great reviews For now more than happy with the kayfun.
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