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Satisfying MTL juice combos?

I wouldn't know as I don't have any big black dildos to compare it to but I'll take your word for it. :P

Here’s a reference for you, while you’re “entering a state of wild fury”

Forgot to come back and say thanks for the recommendations given in this thread....

Been off the cigs for 3 months now, which is great, but still searching for that truly satisfying MTL hit, in terms of juice flavour and delivery. I've stuck with the Prism T20 S for daily use, but fear I've become an 'e juice' snob as nothing I try appears to be very satisfying. I've possibly developed 'vapers tongue' as I'm finding a lot of fruit based liquids just taste like air to me, with a hint of a nicotine roughness.

Been using the 'Puff dragon - raspberry doughnut' juice as an all day vape, but after 3 months I'm even getting bored of that now.

I've tried 'El Diablo' juices and other premium brands, but the raving reviews never seem to match what I experience when vaping them.

I tried using the new 'TEC - Arc 5 - with the CS slim tank' which was so rubbish that I actually had to return it - the draw was the equivalent to a pound land replaceable atomiser head.

Do I need to go down the RDA route to reach a satisfying taste, or is there anything on the market that you guys could suggest? Not sure I feel ready for pre-building and mechanical mods.

In terms of sub vaping, been sticking to the Prince Tank, using either X4 or T0 coils - same issue with juices really. Keep wasting money on 50ml short fills that taste alright in the store, but after a few vapes at home it's a different story. The juices are either too sweet, too plain, too sickly or just not enjoyable. Any dessert vape I try seems to taste like vomit and the same 'vomit' taste seems to occur every time I switch juices, no matter how much I scrub and clean the tank beforehand. I'm finding Smok coils only seem to last a matter of days, when vaping over 60 watts and burnt flavour hits are always a stones throw away, even when using the lower end of the recommended wattage range.

To summarise? The vaping has been a success in staying off the fags, but I'm now becoming frustrated with the amount of cash I'm chucking away on dodgy liquids and coils. Does the standard I'm looking for only exist in my mind? I'm thinking that maybe vaping is the wrong game for me and I'd be better off just going totally cold turkey....

Can anyone push me in the right direction into the path of glorious vaping? As I'm close to giving up....Help and advice is needed from some pros!!!
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After on and off vaping use over the last 2 years, I'm trying to stay off the cigarettes for good....I've recently purchased a Smok G-Priv 2 kit which I absolutely adore and really enjoy vaping at around 70 watts, with a fruity 3mg nicotine 70 VG juice....However, I'm still a big fan of mouth to lung vaping and still crave that sharp 'throat hit' that long time smokers are used to. Therefore I've also purchased a Prism T20 S kit, that I usually use after meals and either before or after a cloud chasing session - but I'm yet to find a truly satisfying nicotine amount and VG/PG blend combo on my MTL device.....

I've got 2 sets of coils for the Prism S tank, which are 1.5 Ohm and 0.8 Ohm (which is designed for low end sub vaping, for beginners, but most reviews suggest it's better suited to a MTL inhale). Below are the combos I've tried on the device -

1.5 coil with 70 PG/30 VG liquid - 0mg nictone = pointless - the hit is soft, unsatisfying and lackluster

1.5 coil with 70 PG/30 VG liquid - 18mg nictone = moderately ok - needed super long inhales to get a decent throat hit and not comfortable with the nicotine level

0.8 coil with 50 PG/50 VG liquid - 12mg nicotine = pretty decent actually - a nice blend of cloud and decent throat hit - the best combo so far, but can become a slight bit sickly after prolonged use and just a smidgen away from what I'm looking for....

Anybody got any personal recommendations based on the above? I've already wasted a fair bit of money on liquids and coils, to experiment with, that I won't be using again, so looking to get it 'right' on my next purchase....Also, does anybody have the Prism T20 S tank or similar? If so, what are your thoughts and what liquid strengths are you using to satisfy your experience?
It's late so apologies if said before.go with the 1.5ohm coil,around 13.5watts.
Use juice with 1.2mg nic or above.
50/50 mix or 60/40
i'm outta here....peace.
Forgot to come back and say thanks for the recommendations given in this thread....

Been off the cigs for 3 months now, which is great, but still searching for that truly satisfying MTL hit, in terms of juice flavour and delivery. I've stuck with the Prism T20 S for daily use, but fear I've become an 'e juice' snob as nothing I try appears to be very satisfying. I've possibly developed 'vapers tongue' as I'm finding a lot of fruit based liquids just taste like air to me, with a hint of a nicotine roughness.

Been using the 'Puff dragon - raspberry doughnut' juice as an all day vape, but after 3 months I'm even getting bored of that now.

I've tried 'El Diablo' juices and other premium brands, but the raving reviews never seem to match what I experience when vaping them.

I tried using the new 'TEC - Arc 5 - with the CS slim tank' which was so rubbish that I actually had to return it - the draw was the equivalent to a pound land replaceable atomiser head.

Do I need to go down the RDA route to reach a satisfying taste, or is there anything on the market that you guys could suggest? Not sure I feel ready for pre-building and mechanical mods.

In terms of sub vaping, been sticking to the Prince Tank, using either X4 or T0 coils - same issue with juices really. Keep wasting money on 50ml short fills that taste alright in the store, but after a few vapes at home it's a different story. The juices are either too sweet, too plain, too sickly or just not enjoyable. Any dessert vape I try seems to taste like vomit and the same 'vomit' taste seems to occur every time I switch juices, no matter how much I scrub and clean the tank beforehand. I'm finding Smok coils only seem to last a matter of days, when vaping over 60 watts and burnt flavour hits are always a stones throw away, even when using the lower end of the recommended wattage range.

To summarise? The vaping has been a success in staying off the fags, but I'm now becoming frustrated with the amount of cash I'm chucking away on dodgy liquids and coils. Does the standard I'm looking for only exist in my mind? I'm thinking that maybe vaping is the wrong game for me and I'd be better off just going totally cold turkey....

Can anyone push me in the right direction into the path of glorious vaping? As I'm close to giving up....Help and advice is needed from some pros!!!
Firstly.... Congrats on the 3 months!!! :yahoo:

I've only been off it for 2 months, but have gone through what you're explaining a couple of times!

I found Puff Dragon tastes very chemically. Have you tried Vampire Vape? My fav was Funky Monkey but now I find it too sweet and it's changed to Attraction. So far that's the only one I've felt like YES!!
The new innokin tank is getting high praise currently (zenith I beleive) for mtl. I'd still go with the good old nautilus mini.
I think the Tec arc / eleaf is actually going down well but the fact you didn't enjoy it shows perhaps you prefer a more open mtl style. The nautilus 2 May suit with a very adjustable airflow. It's not without a few niggles but still a very good tank and the flavour is excellent.
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