Feck me I cant get over the fact some people think its ok for kids to be using them,in school or out of school,you must be a shite parent if you do,how are we supposed to keep our kids away from it when you get numpties that think its ok......
Ok..... as a parent, this isnt as balck or white as you think it is. My daughter is 16, and the top 3 things I dread her telling me are: -
1. 'Dad, Im pregnant'
2. 'Dad, I am on drugs'
3. 'Dad, I am smoking'
Now, if she came back and said number 3 to me, I would rather she started vaping than smoking. I would be rather hypocritical to have a go at her, because I started smoking at 14, and whilst I totally regret it, it was a part of the experience of growing up.
Now lets not forget, if a kid wants to drink, smoke, do drugs or get pregnant, other than locking them in their rooms for 24/7 you are not really going to stop them. Remember back to when you were that age!!
So its all about education, and keeping the channels of communication open as a parent, and looking at the alternatives to the problem instead of shouting, screaming and bawling. Does that make me a bad parent, No, I am sorry, in my opinion it doesnt. You might think that, and fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to me, It makes me a kind, caring parent, who wants the best for their kids, and will be here to help and support them when needed.
If however, she came home at told me option 1, I would kill the little scroat that got her up the duff!!!!