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Segelei Kick


Oct 12, 2013
Sorry to keep asking questions! Noticed I have asked over 4-5 in 2 days!

I have just bought a sigelei kick and I just had a few questions.

Does the Sigelei have low battery shutoff like the Evolv?

Whats the difference between the two?
No it doesn't and it's a big difference to me that - other than that the other 'main' difference is a slight size difference so some will work in certain mods and some won't.
Thanks Soldier Blue - It did state on the website I bought it from it did have low battery protection but just thought I would double check!
Thanks Soldier Blue - It did state on the website I bought it from it did have low battery protection but just thought I would double check!

I read the same thing on a few sites when I bought them too. I've had 3 or 4 of the Sigelei ones and none of them had what the Evolv one does - pulsating on / off when battery low. To me that was a really big thing but then I guess that's part of the price difference. To be honest though I've been going Kickless the last month or so and have a stock pile of Kicks that I'll be selling soon but did prefer the Evolv Kick out of the three I've had - Evolv, Sigelei and Smok.
I read the same thing on a few sites when I bought them too. I've had 3 or 4 of the Sigelei ones and none of them had what the Evolv one does - pulsating on / off when battery low. To me that was a really big thing but then I guess that's part of the price difference. To be honest though I've been going Kickless the last month or so and have a stock pile of Kicks that I'll be selling soon but did prefer the Evolv Kick out of the three I've had - Evolv, Sigelei and Smok.

Yeah just did a bit of research and people are saying that it just shuts off when the batterys low instead of stutter vaping -
I'm at this stage at the moment where I'm scared of blowing myself up as long as it stops me from blowing myself up I'm sure I'll be fine.
Yeah just did a bit of research and people are saying that it just shuts off when the batterys low instead of stutter vaping -
I'm at this stage at the moment where I'm scared of blowing myself up as long as it stops me from blowing myself up I'm sure I'll be fine.

You're right, that's what it does but I found it was only any good in a decent mod that fired 100% of the time. I had them in a few shitty mods and I never knew whether it was a misfire or the battery gone flat so it was a bit of a pain but in a mod that hits 100% then it's not so much a problem.
just noticed this thread.. i was under the impression that it had battery cutoff :sleepy:
as draining the battery completely isn't advisable..

i don't have a kick..but learning this now concerns me.

Thanks for pointing this fact out :)
It does have a battery cut off :)

its safe .. what it doesn't have is a warning its going to cut off :)

it just stops .. Im cool with that though.
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