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Should I go for an upgrade?

The battery in your avergae cig-alike will last about 6 hours or so - 1 cartridge will last about a day for an average vaper, so what you've experienced so far is prefectly normal.

It's possible to refill cartirdges with e-liquid - use a little screwdriver to lever off the white plastic end cap and drip e-liquid into the cartridge and you're good for another day.

Prefilled cartridges are *hideously* expensive compared to filling your own cartomisers with e-liquid or using a clearomiser.

Lots of people find that they like the vape from a cartomiser and Boge cartos are around the best around, though SmokTech are also pretty decent, provided you don't run it dry and burn the insides a carto can last a week or 3 before needing replacing, though topping it up often can be a pain. Hence CartoTanks were born. Which are larger diameter plastict tanks that a cartomiser fits into. you punch a coulple of holes in said cartomiser fill it and put it into a tank then fill tank with e-liquid an the liquid in the tank seeps into the carto and keeps it nicely topped up for a day or more.

The most popular things to use over here are clearomisers - the main 3 types are CE4 type (avoid these if you can) EVODs and Vivi novas. An Evod is a bottom coil design and gives a cooler temperature vape. A vivi nova is a top coil design and gives a warmer vape. Evods are designed to fit neatly onto eGo style batteries. If you are looking at vivi novas make sure to get Vision branded ones as they are generally much better than all of the knock off vivi novas.

Next up from those are ProTanks. There are version 1 ProTanks and also version 2 ProTanks. V2's are more 'takeapartable' but they are essentially the same design, similar to an evod but more robust.

for batteries there are eGo style batteries. Make sure to get either a Joyetech/SmokTech/Vision branded one rather than a cheap knock off as they are made better and last longer as well as using safer higher grade internal batteries. I can't recomend a VV (variable voltage) version highly enough they are a lot better than the standard fixed voltage counterparts and more than worth the extra. they come in 650mah 900mah 1100mah 1300mah sizes and the bigger the number the larger the nattery and the longer it lasts between charges. Whether you end up getting a larger mod eventually or not eGo batteries makes pretty great backup batteries as well as being small and portable for the times when you don't want a larger device.

Next step up from there is an SVD a Vamo a SID or a ZMax - all of which are virtually identical function wise, they vary a little in the looks/cost department but they are more or less the same size and do pretty much the same thing. Which of those you like the most depends on personal preference mostly. There are also 'box mods' like the itaste MVP which take the same batteries as the tube mods do but are a 'box' shape - usually around the same size as a fag packet.

If you really want to get the best quality device then you're probably looking at a ProVari which will run you a lot more than the devices listed already. Though it might be wise to wait on some of the DNA20 devices that are just coming onto the market from the US to be more widely available here.

Finally the other path to choose is a mechanical mod. All te devices I've mentioned so far are regulated. They use electronics to regulate the power that gets to the coil. Mechanical or mech mods don't. Personally I'd recommend a regulated mod to get going with then when you find the settings you prefer to vape with look at mechs afterwards. Everyone has different taste and it's much easier to experiment with higher and lower power settings on a regulated mod than it is to do the same on a mechanical one.

Welcome to the planet and congrats on switching away from the tobacco.

Sorry, I just noticed your initial reply. Thanks so much. It as per my original reply seems to be making far more sense. I think I need to digest this all a little and decide which route to go but this is making it a far less daunting task!





If you buy the above items Chris, you'll be set for months if not years to come. Your only other outlay will be consumables,

The Vamo v2 is from Fasttech and costs a tad over £20 and a wait of a fortnight or so. The charger is a very good quality one and our own Mr. Kraken sells them at a reasonable £15.50. The Protank 2 and spare heads are £21 from Mr. K and two good batteries from Torchy are £12. One good mid-range set up.
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Me, i'm awkward. I skipped the cig-a-like stage, went straight in at ego & ce5 level. Have acquired a mod (vmax v4) but only use that indoors. My take out kit, is 2x ego 1100mah bats. 2x CE5 clearos and 2x mt3's.
I find this adequate for all day out and about, with the benefit of having 4 different juices in the tops.
Like the man says though, it's all down to personal preference.
ps. unlike the CE4, the CE5 is rebuildable.
Ok, decision made - thanks for all the advise! I've gone for Joyetech eGo-C Twist VV with Vision Ego V3 Rebuildable clearomisers. I'll probably at a later stage go for the Vamo for indoors, probably with either a Kanger Protank or Vivi Nova. Just need to get some juice now.

There are loads of sites out there so it's hard to choose. I just want a reputable site that offer something menthol as I know I am confortable with that. From there I can start branching out.
If you wanna try some juices am sure there is a vape shop close to you fella called Kingdom Vapours in thornton they also go to the errol car boot too

search on FBook for that name
You certainly aren't over using it. Many of us are chain vapers so you are doing well :) definately something like the above kit would be good. Being refillable also means that you can choose what liquid you use so you have much more freedom. I would say though to try and get a couple of batteries so you have a charged one ready to go when you need to. One of the laws of vaping is to always make sure you have a backup as you never quite know if something is going to let you down :D

You girls are a funny lot! Some will, some won't. Some do, some don't. Us poor blokes just don't where we stand. I suggested what you said about a back up, to the wife and she was absolutely adamant she wasn't having another woman in the house.
You girls are a funny lot! Some will, some won't. Some do, some don't. Us poor blokes just don't where we stand. I suggested what you said about a back up, to the wife and she was absolutely adamant she wasn't having another woman in the house.
As long as you don't over use the original one you should be fine :p
One last thing Chris; Get two eGo batteries as PF suggested and even though the advertising blurb says you can vape while you are charging, don't. Your battery has in-built electronics which charge your battery to a preset safe maximum level and then it automatically cuts off. By using it whilst charging you are putting on it what's known as a 'parasitic' load, which can confuse the electronics and it might not cut off when it should.
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