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Shit! If You'd told me that was your only one I wouldn't have let you give it to me! :(


No sweat.

I found a placcy one Gillian sent me a while back and have tips on a plane from China. If I couldn't spare it I'd have said no ;)

Mi casa su casa, viejo.
New setup's constricting airflow on ONE coil. ONE... what a pain in the ass...
Need to do some silica poking I think.
Didn't know how to upload it like you guys do, wanna start reviewing but don't know a decent webcam :/

Well, my originals were done as a straight upload to youtube, which explains the naff quality.

The newer ones, were actually done on my phone then uploaded to youtube on my phone when connected to the wifi (make sure you use the 'normal' version of youtube, and NOT the mobile one...) :)
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