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I agree,though the biggest problem I find is having to keep an eye on others in the room who are watching the TV,whilst also trying to thread invisible wires through invisible holes,as the others tend to get so pissed off at missing whatever they THROW large heavy objects at me :D


Yes to the first question,& not got a tape runs long enough to video it is the answer to your second question.

The W3 is starting to piss me off,as I've made and trashed every coil I've made(and that's a fucking heap)as I wind each coil round smaller & smaller formers trying to then get the bloody shits to go through the right holes.All this HAS to be done in daylight(which this time of year isn't long)as I just cannot see well enough at my "zimmer-frame soon" age.I was looking on fleabay earlier at various options to magnify the workspace,and am now deliberating between http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310764344752?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 or just go for one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360514381820?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 The first one linked appeals as I will be able to watch on my 32" screen,but isn't portable,whereas the second is portable but it's only 6cm so not sure if it'll help or just tease me.There are also A4 size magnifiers but I'm guessing these will probably be irritating as the focal length is optimised for text reading so anything of uneven distances from the sheet are going to be at different focusing ranges(out of fucking focus,much like my eyes presently)
That usb magnifier looks bloody cool!
I must admit, the centre post is a chunt Chegs ... What size wire are you using? I find 0.27 to be the limit for having four wires...
I GUESS, if you're using cotton, you could try and make the coil using two bits of wire, threaded through the centre.. Hard to explain. :P
Taken me 2 days of reducing the size of the former but FINALLY get a build that looks right (0.4 ohms) and screw it on my Kylin right after cleaning all connections with emery paper, freshly charged 30 amp battery and the bastards only lighting up 3 coils properly, the 4th does eventually get to red but I'm unable to inhale THAT fucking much. It also eats the battery as no sooner do I get red coils then the battery needs charged. Thinking of building a 2 x 26650 box mod to run this fecker (or sneak a cable into Sellafield and direct to a nuclear reactor) :rofl:

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin


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Chegs, not so sure about the microscope with the endoscope attachment :umm: :lol1: but I use a craft lamp with a daylight bulb, and if needed one of those wee helping hands magnifier doo-dahs (and use my longnose pliers for fiddly bits like putting wires into tiny holes and such - stuff learnt from making jewellery) -
and last but not least, millions of the blighters here http://www.craftlamps.co.uk/
That usb magnifier looks bloody cool!
I must admit, the centre post is a chunt Chegs ... What size wire are you using? I find 0.27 to be the limit for having four wires...
I GUESS, if you're using cotton, you could try and make the coil using two bits of wire, threaded through the centre.. Hard to explain. :P

I managed it wi .30

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Just finished straining my eyes building 4 coils from 0.2mm kanthal and fucked my back lying on the floor with a lampshade less 100 watt naked bulb on a base about 18 inches above my head. Had to make 2 extra coils as the tiny fuckers pinged free from the tweezers and vanished. Wrapped 20 turns round a straightened paperclip and a single 30 amp battery can fire it on the Kylin but 2x18650s on my battery box gets it going much better. As usual, I've caught a bug from my mate so my throats unable to take anything but a menthol plus 'something else' juices or my lungs just implode. :(

The reviewers I posted of the W3 call their coils a swastika and now I can see why lol.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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