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Afterrnoon V/Apers

I finally feel i can post in here now as i have i think acheived clouds,

Before you see the video I have a special thanks to give.

He has helped my move on to cloud chasing. I thank him for his patience as i am a little slow at picking things up but i am super happy.

Thank you again mate!!! Beers on me at vapefest!! ( I will have a present for you aswell )

.25 ohm dual coil omega on a nemi clone battary at 3.7 volts

( CAUTION EXPLICIT HAPPYNESS ) ( as you can tell at the end haha )

Funny as fuck. Just played this vid to the wife, and she pissed herself laughing. Digety, digety, digety, dig. Lol. Daft c**t, lol.
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Daffs and I having a bit of fun...

Warning: Some expletives from myself from the shock as I'm trying out the Omega RDA for the first time!

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Daffs and I having a bit of fun...

Warning: Some expletives from myself from the shock as I'm trying out the Omega RDA for the first time!

Much better than your igo w haha. Did it take as long to set up?! ;)
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Ordered some wire (0.5mm round and some 1mm x 0.1 ribbon) to go in the Dreadnaut instead of the present 0.35 mm twisted doubles in dual coils as even that isn't chucking clouds or stressing the battery (0.3 ohms)and the 26660 has been running all day and looks like it'll last another few days yet :P

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
Getting some practice in for the inevitable Hawkshead cloud chasing competition.

Omega clone dual coiled at 0.5 ohms with cotton, 50:50 mix.

It took me ages to get a build I was happy with. Despite the massive air holes, getting the air to flow properly over the coils caused me some issues.

What do you reckon Raguri ? Is there hope for me yet?


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
simonsays I'm getting worried to be honest, some of you lot are improving a he'll of a lot more than I thought you would. Think I may have to build my secret weapon actually!!
A cloud chasing competition @ Hawkshead sounds like a fecking good plan.I'm in(as long as Raguri is doing the coil building for us all:P)
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