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showcasing Lacy the stab wood hybrid squonk new design from the ground up

there is a shortage of 510 squonks at the moment I used a 12mm squonk varitube and counter sunk it flat to the top it comes with a load of spares I would use a fat daddy but because he has not been well they are thin on the ground

modmaker should have their squonk 510 in stock today, if that helps
Once again, a beautiful piece of work. Unfortunately I'm saving all my readies for Fest. The owner will be rightly proud of Lacy. Now, just don't go breaking her like you did with Graham.
lacy has a new home sold

you have to be quick

this is how it works, I think, I make. I sell. I make the cost back plus a tiny amount of money I reuse the money to make another mod

the next mod will have the colour of blood "the gods colour" plus silver and gold her name........Marilyn
Looks awesome! Is the stab wood quite brittle in the thin areas?
Looks awesome! Is the stab wood quite brittle in the thin areas?
Stab wood is quite tough, it's basically plasticised wood. I've had the pleasure of working with some of @vapesmarter's stabwood and hit a scrap bit with a hammer (reasonabley hard).....it didn't leave a mark on the wood, not even a slight dent.
Fair enough everything has its limits, but stabwood is a shitload tougher then standard wood.
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