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Side effects of vaping...

yes, it's the decorative band below the plastic - gives me blisters if I forget. I am assuming it's nickel, as I have problems with earrings as well.
I noticed a few people complaining about mouth ulcers, the reason for them is that you are probably getting slight leakage into your mouth when you vape, if you rinse your mouth out with salt water after you brush your teeth at bed time the ulcers should be gone by morning. Hydrating / sipping water will dilute anything you inadvertently take in. This is the same if you are getting any dry skin on the mouth or sides of the nose as I saw mentioned on some previous posts. I personally think that some of the small minor effects that vaping might cause are minimal in comparison to tobacco.
Last evening I took my cheap vape with me in my pocket, big mistake came out of restaurant and desp for a fix, I got a mass mouthful of liquid yuk, luckily I had a bottle of water to hand so no ulcers today. It's in the bin now and I will use my TWkd Oddissy from now on.
I think the reactions must be down to individuals as I've had plenty of liquid bubble over into my mouth and never had any ulcers!?
My list of changes is as follows:

1. Chronic insomnia for four weeks
2. Weight gain, immediate and quite annoying as I was fit as fuck, now seems to be heading in the right direction
3. Terrible ulcers for about a fortnight
4. Rank breath, I think my natural rank breath was just cloaked by roll up smell before though...

Separately I found that if I vaped one juice exclusively withing about three days I would gag at the thought of the taste, I now mix it up big time. Also now that I've got a decent vv/vw and tank and can really taste the juices/get a good hit I seem to be vaping less constantly, more about savouring a good, massive drag these days.

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I've been expecting to cough up 18 years of gunk since I quit smoking and started vaping just over a month ago. As of yet nothing's happened!
I had been expecting lung purge too. 87 days in and nothing to report.
Piss stinks but it probably always did.
The biggest thing I have noticed is that I am sleeping like a teenager!!. I was a very heavy long-term smoker, I have been off the stinkies for over 5 weeks now.

I do not wheeze when I rest my head at night, I do not have broken sleep by the constant coughing...I am loving it and when not at work, I just sleep until about 11.00!!

I do need to drink more water now, but that must be a good thing as well.

I don't smell of smoke anymore and am fast becoming a boring old fart that does not like the smell of smoke. I still cough nasties up occasionally but not as much as I did before.

One side effect I have noticed is that I now buy many 'shiny' items and my bank balance is not quite what I hoped for.....I dont care though as I feel as I have a new lease of life :yahoo:
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