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Side effects of vaping...

Im suffering from a constant case of the crusty snots, wake up every morning and can hardly breath. Hoping it goes away soon.:(

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I've been getting the crusties pretty bad too coupled with the occasional nose bleed... I tend to exhale through my nose... Wonder if it makes a difference
I've been expecting to cough up 18 years of gunk since I quit smoking and started vaping just over a month ago. As of yet nothing's happened!

I had been expecting lung purge too. 87 days in and nothing to report.
Piss stinks but it probably always did.

Yep nothing happened for me with that either. I was quite disappointed to be honest, was looking forward to getting all the crap out! Either it means there was never much crap in my lungs anyway, or even worse, it's still there :/
One thing though, don't know if it's coincidence but I've got a couple of juicy zits on the inside of nostril since I've been vaping? Oh well, I'll see if the missus wants to pop em for me later :)
Yep nothing happened for me with that either. I was quite disappointed to be honest, was looking forward to getting all the crap out! Either it means there was never much crap in my lungs anyway, or even worse, it's still there :/

Yep I thought the same too. I remember when trying the cold turkey method of giving up fags I developed a cold and constantly running nose and cough. With this, nothing! Don't have smokers cough in the mornings anymore though :)
Sounds really daft but your body learns to accept water.
i used to run and had to up my water intake always in the loo then I read an article in a running mag which basically said your body has to get used to the extra water intake before it starts utilising it properly
and it turned out to be true
after a few weeks your wee looks very light coloured and has little smell apart from your first morning pee but that's been hanging around all night in your body
yellow or dark wee means your dehydrated
you get dehydrate before you feel thirsty ( poor human safety feature I think lol)
4 weeks vaping 50/50 18 mg bit of dry mouth n nose but much better now and now on 3 roll ups a day instead of 50 grams in 3 days feeling good :-)
Sounds really daft but your body learns to accept water.
i used to run and had to up my water intake always in the loo then I read an article in a running mag which basically said your body has to get used to the extra water intake before it starts utilising it properly
and it turned out to be true
after a few weeks your wee looks very light coloured and has little smell apart from your first morning pee but that's been hanging around all night in your body
yellow or dark wee means your dehydrated
you get dehydrate before you feel thirsty ( poor human safety feature I think lol)
4 weeks vaping 50/50 18 mg bit of dry mouth n nose but much better now and now on 3 roll ups a day instead of 50 grams in 3 days feeling good :-)

50g in three days! That's a fair amount, I bet your lungs are far happier now!

I've always wondered, does it have to be water to rehydrate yourself? Would tea count?
Juices fine tea and coffee though are diuretics and will dehydrate you
Been getting quite a fair bit of nausea or near nausea especially in mornings, but then I did anyway due to the meds I'm on. Main complaint is the artificial or synthetic tastes of the juices, much preferred the taste and smell of real tobaccos. But can't beat the health benefits of vaping, so I'm sticking to it purely for that reason (not for the tastes). Just wished it wasn't so artificial tasting.
Try VaperCaper vanilla. I swear it tastes like real custard. And his cucumber cooler tastes like proper cucumber. I am currently trying a cherry one that tastes like a KoolAid drink. Or a chemical spill. Not VaperCapers, different brand.

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