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Side effects of vaping...

Heartburn is one of mine, usually when I change juice or chain vape on the dripper. I also get hayfever/allergy type symptoms ie runny nose and sneezing with certain juices, I'm thinking that it is the flavouring that is used. I do have to take allergy tablets on a daily basis all year round anyway so could be I'm getting used to them again....

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I think iam getting an allergy type nasal irritation which feels abit like hayfever, I read somewhere it may be due to the PG and VG might be better for avoiding this problem, any ideas? Any one come across this before?

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I think iam getting an allergy type nasal irritation which feels abit like hayfever, I read somewhere it may be due to the PG and VG might be better for avoiding this problem, any ideas? Any one come across this before?

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

ive got some 100% VG without flavour and 100% PG without flavour juices and it doesnt seem to do it with them which is why i think for me its the flavouring more so than the base.

Its a question of trying different mixes and by a process of elimination finding what it is for you, try some unflavoured base without nicotine, then with nicotine then with flavour then try different base ratio's.

It doesnt take long to find what is causing it, you will know pretty quick if its the base liquid that is causing it.
I think iam getting an allergy type nasal irritation which feels abit like hayfever, I read somewhere it may be due to the PG and VG might be better for avoiding this problem, any ideas? Any one come across this before?

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Yeah I had the same problem when I was starting. My sinuses were drying out, feeling rock solid and painful. Made the switch to PG free liquids and never had the issue. They were from the same vendor and if the same flavour so couldn't have been anything else. I Also had a very dry tickle in my throat and felt the need to clear my throat constantly. All gone now. Been happy on vg for over a year. Out of interest I tried again recently a 50/50 mixed liquid and within a few hours could feel my sinuses :(. Shame as it's a custard cream and it's so good!! Had to try it. Use a few drops in a rda now and again and can cope with that.
Don't EVER get spots but I'm developing a mahoosive one (it feels like) on the end of my nose. Attractive.
I look like fkin Rudolph.
No side affects yet although early days. well apart from not smelling like an ashtray!
Yep! Had dry itchy nose and sneezing a lot. Not a cold, cause I feel ok. I put it down to quitting the cigs. Sore inside my nose at times too. Have a really stuffed up feeling a lot of the time but using a nasal spray (eucalyptus as I didn't want to use the decongestant medication as it can cause more problems if used a long time). The last couple of days, I have had a slightly uncomfortable feeling in one side of my face under my ear, like salivary gland is playing up, and feels a bit like when you have been sucking on something very sweet or sour! Really weird! Hope all these symptoms go away soon.
I find of the two hole flavors (count em, 2!) I have, that apple rakes my throat more than vanilla, they're both 50/50 and from the same vendor though. But it's splitting hairs because I am very sensitive to what goes on with my throat. I'm a very minor asthmatic and it's caused no problems there at all. My rate of vape is one small tank/day-or-two.

I'm one of these weirdos coming from having never been a smoker. To my sensitive throat, it's the nicotine that causes the pain there. But that's ok with me since I do 0nic anyway. Yes, I have my reasons. ;)

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Chapped lips and dry mouth are really the only side effects I have from vaping. But I did get nauseous every now and then when I first started vaping, lowered my nicotine level and it hasn't been an issue since :-)

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