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Side effects of vaping...

I've been vaping for 13 days now, with no desire to even try tobacco. I was smoking 6 ounces a week in rollups before.
The only side effect I've noticed so far, is my teeth have become very sensitive to cold. I do have wind as well, but then again, I did before:stop:
Large beards...?...apparently lol

Sent from my B1-710 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hell of a lot of acid / heartburn
Cramps in my toes.

But you know what, as much as the above hurts / uncomfortable, i will take that over putting crap in my lungs :D
The only side effect I get off vaping is the wife biffing on about me buying shiny stuff.

She hit me with the TV remote control last night for me biffing on about my new kraken.
Nearly 2 months without a stinkie now :D

No problems except for cotton mouth (much worse with higher PG juice) and the odd day of everything tasting like complete crap..

But over last few days, had heartburn something terrible, Banana flavouring seems to have set it off.. back to Vanilla and it seems better..
My account gained weight no more 23 dollar trips to the store every day just about once a week
The only side effects I seem to have is that when I chain vape I get hungry lol and when I first started vaping I got this dehydrated feeling so I upped my water intake amount per day and now I dont feel dehydrated all the time lol

Sent from my SM-T217S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I've been vaping constantly now for about 3 months go through about 5mL a day. All I can say that has change Is that I feel healthier then when I smoked cigs.

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
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