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Side effects of vaping...

I get chronic dry mouth and I got ulcers on my tongue when I first started or if I vape lemonade flavour.
I am starting this thread so we can list out some of our side effects for new users.

I experienced dry mouth, something horrible. Then I learned to stay hydrated, as PG juices can cause dryness.

I learned that from the time you stop smoking completely, your body begins to heal itself which can cause some nasties to happen.

Some things that are common when switching will be:
  • dry mouth (Stay hydrated)
  • Itchy throat
  • tight lungs (you are introducing a new thing into your lungs and they will need some time to get used to it!)
  • funky smelling wee (this is a combination of lack of hydration and the fact that any liquid you put into your body, even vapour, has to come out) It's normal, just drink more water!
  • lingering cough... This is isn't so much from vaping as it is from your lungs clearing out the nasties from smoking. This can last up to 12 weeks in extreme cases.
  • a Cold that never seems to go away, again, this is from your body healing.

Other things to keep in mind, when you first wake up, your craving for nicotine is going to be stronger than any other time during the day, as most people get 6-10 hrs of sleep, this is 6-10 hours without Nic, don't feel bad if vaping isn't cutting it. Some suggestion are, have a higher dose nic juice for a morning vape, vape through the craving, or have a cig. Use whatever works for you.

I am not a doctor and I am only writing this as learned experience. If your "symptoms" worsen, you should ALWAYS see a doctor. Some people (actually VERY FEW) are intolerant to higher PG juices. Just go to a heavier VG based juice and see if that helps!

Anyone else have experience they would like to share?

I'm really enjoying reading threads like this. It's not only for entertainment but also to gain knowledge about vaping. Maybe the side effects you experienced was just in the beginning. You just really need to wait maybe because your body was still adjusting that time. So far, so good. Just drink a lot of water regularly.

I'm really enjoying reading threads like this. It's not only for entertainment but also to gain knowledge about vaping. Maybe the side effects you experienced was just in the beginning. You just really need to wait maybe because your body was still adjusting that time. So far, so good. Just drink a lot of water regularly.

Yep, 2 years ago! :P I know what works for me now, get the occasional dry skin here and there, but honestly I had very few "side effects" & the post was just info I gleaned from other users over my first 6 months vaping :D

Always drink more water!
I started on 70/30 PG and I was fine, but 50/50 gave me a sore throat for 3 days or so when I'd hammered it for a few days, but as my body got used to it, the sore throat dissapeared
Some side effects I have noticed. Food tastes better. That nasty morning cough has gone. And one that is causing so much governmental uproar a reduction in the amount i pay in taxes
I found after a year of vaping my lung health has really improved over their condition when i still smoked cigarettes, although i cough up heaps more phlem than i used to (this is normal, some say beneficial). I also have had to drink more water to avoid dehydration.
I suffered chronic hiccups the other day. Have never known it before and has not happened since.
It only happened when I was vaping and lasted varying amounts of time. Went on for almost two days.
Have done a little research into this, and possibly down to nicotine content. I was vaping 18mg smurfs blood
I found dry throat lasted a few months.
Vapers tongue where I couldn't taste anything kicked in at about the 2 month mark and lasted 2 weeks, then I found all my juice tastes had changed.
Too high nic leaves me breathless for a bit.
When I've reached my limit on nic intake I start yawning and hiccuping (niccups)
That's about it.

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