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Side effects of vaping...

I've found that I'm spending all my money on shiny things. :-)

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One side effect I've found is being unable to leave the house in case I miss the postman.
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, since I started Vapin my medication had halved and my energy is near normal, told my doc and he said for me nicotine is a positive thing and much better than the medications I have subsequently dropped, and even better I'm loosing weight and my appetite is much less :)
I have found that some juices (usually slightly bitter ones like Black Magic (chocolate, coffee and a little tabacco)) has given me a headache if i vape too much even when i drink lots of water.
Hot vapes (when i built my first coil without using a VV mod (drawing straight from a 18650 battery)) have irritated my throat if i use them too much so i just switch back to one of my other mods.
Increased waist line, since i have my full sense of taste back my sweet tooth returned (luckily can be held at bay by some vapes).
Decreased bank balance due to shinyitis, it seems to be contagious.
I started vaping about a week and a half ago. I'm one of those people that really enjoyed smoking but hated how it made me feel (coughing, raspy/phlegmy sounding/constant clearing my throat. I was looking for something to get me off it for a while.
Tried chantix and it does work but I didn't stick with it and started again after about 3 months.
Vaping gives me the satisfying feeling like I'm smoking but I feel so much better already. Still clearing my throat and coughing shit up but I'm thinking it's my body healing itself. Haven't had any side effects but when I can't find my charger I start worrying that I'm goin to end up buying a pack of smokes again. Just don't want to do that.
I just bought the MVP and I hope it comes in the mail real soon cuz this starter is leaving me with a lot to be desired.
Dry mouth and throat and the desire to buy more shiny tubes. Cigs aren't even appealing to me anymore, cloud chasing for data

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 5020T using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 5020T using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I continually get vapers tongue and dry mouth. I just drink a lot of water. I had a bad virus a week ago and it cleared up a lot quicker than when I was smoking. When I first started 3 months ago my skin flared up and had a spot outbreak as well as dry skin. That thankfully cleared up. As many of you have already said an addiction to all things shiny

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I discovered a juice that I must be allergic to. Noticed that after a day or two of vaping it the palms of my hands looked really oily and shiny however after washing them they became very dry and flaky and were like that for a couple of days.
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