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Side effects of vaping...

Nicotine headaches when I'm trying out all my samples and chain vaping!!

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I bought a cheapy Kik vape kit off the local market Saturday, along with 12mg fluid.
I had my last rollie Saturday night and I've not smoked one since. However I got almost instant headaches with 12mg. I immediately bought some 8mg and was right as rain!

Only thing now is having what feels like a bit of a tight chest, and tickley gums, but have been using corsodyl daily to stop it.
Aside from my bank balance noticing a hit i seem to get over illness alot quicker now,, although vaping for too long (cant help abit of chain vaping sometimes) does give me a nicotine rush- yes i should lower the nic levels but i just cant help myself. Have also met some great friends through vaping and my mods and clouds are always a talking point at the pub. Vaping all the wayy :)

Sent from my C6603 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I have been vaping for about 3 weeks now, i brought a ego starter kit, with 3 juices, the first week was great, the second great, but in the third week i beganto feel very heavy chested and wierd. After trying some different juice i found that when i use a strawberry juice it is not good for me, but my apple juice i can vape as much as i want with no problems.....
Ive been been a vapers about two was but the money I've saved already is massive

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I'd love to be able to stop buying kit.

Major $ spent to find what is going to satisfy that need for a analog. It's been 4 weeks...but that major need for that hard satisfying hit is haunting me.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Dry throat and if i chain vape and forget to lower the nic % i get a headrush - oh and chronic broke syndrome

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes

The chronic broke syndrome is running rampid through my veins. I'm hoping once I find that" sweet spot/flavor", I will be able to control it.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Aside from my bank balance noticing a hit i seem to get over illness alot quicker now,, although vaping for too long (cant help abit of chain vaping sometimes) does give me a nicotine rush- yes i should lower the nic levels but i just cant help myself. Have also met some great friends through vaping and my mods and clouds are always a talking point at the pub. Vaping all the wayy :)

Sent from my C6603 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

I too love chain vaping! I had 2 incidents where I am sure I nic overdosed my self and lost my lunch. The second time was in my car on the way to work. Talk about humiliation, although, I am the only one who knows. I have to admit that both times i drank 3 bottles of water in a very short period due to the dry mouth.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I too love chain vaping! I had 2 incidents where I am sure I nic overdosed my self and lost my lunch. The second time was in my car on the way to work. Talk about humiliation, although, I am the only one who knows. I have to admit that both times i drank 3 bottles of water in a very short period due to the dry mouth.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Haha i no exactly how you feel!

Sent from my C6603 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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