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Side effects of vaping...

I continually get vapers tongue and dry mouth. I just drink a lot of water. I had a bad virus a week ago and it cleared up a lot quicker than when I was smoking. When I first started 3 months ago my skin flared up and had a spot outbreak as well as dry skin. That thankfully cleared up. As many of you have already said an addiction to all things shiny

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Same here. Just had my first illness since I started about five months ago, a virus. It was a bad one and a few people at work were off with it but I seem to be on the mend miles quicker than I would have been last year on twenty a day. Also I probably would have had a couple of colds since Christmas by now - smoking must do the immune system absolutely no favours

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Apart from smoking being generally bad for us, my doctor always used to tell me it kept colds at bay, viruses hate all that smoke & when i did smoke i got a lot less colds than my OH who has never smoked. I do get the idea though that the pg in e liquid acts in a similar way.
Since I started only two month ago I had insomnia over ten years now I sleep every night no problem since I quit cigarettes due to a health scare TIAattack now I'm vape fan looking for knowledge iv no more sleepless nights made huge difference to my mood on a daily basis not had any bad effects at all

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It makes me smile seeing that peoe who have had health issues in the past are curing it with giving up smoking by means of vaping. Makes me proud to be a member of the vape brigade.

I didn't want to give up smoking as I enjoyed what it did for me it was just the health issues in the family ( cancer ) made me want to find alternatives that is how I ended up here.

How can they even remotely say vaping is bad when so any of you beautiful people are getting better in health


V/Ape on!

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I have found lately I have been suffering very mild headaches and a light pain in my tummy, I am not totally sure these are affects of vaping but it has only been this way since I started vaping.

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Dry throat and if i chain vape and forget to lower the nic % i get a headrush - oh and chronic broke syndrome

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I dont know whether it's pure luck or timing, but I havent been poorly once since I quit smoking (touch wood - or actually touch something shiny!)

The only side effects I get are that I seem to spend more time at my desk at work because going out for a fag is no longer an excuse!!

My physical performance - gym, football etc, is defo miles better in the last few months
Two close friends have had quite unpleasant side effects - painful spots / swellings around the nose / mouth and slight bleeding at the back of the throat.

They both switched from pg/vg to vg only and the symptoms vanished.

Missing the throat hit of the pg, one of them switched back to the pg/vg and the symptoms returned.

While this sounds like an acquired allergy to pg (both had been vaping pg/vg mix for over 18 months without problems), I thought it worth mentioning.
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