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Side effects of vaping...

The few times I've tried it's given me a tight chest and bad headache. It's been with a cheap vaper & liquids and a cheap disposable tho (all nicotine free), so I don't know if something higher quality would be better for me, or if me and vaping just don't get on.
No side effects for me. Apart from having more money, but that only lasted until I started ordering shiny things online

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Hi all. Useful and long thread lol. I've been vaping for 9 weeks, first 2 weeks vape and stinkies last 7 weeks vape only. Have had no chest problems or ulcers. What I did have was my second dose of chicken pox, probably coincidence as it's rife in the schools around here lol, but the last 3 weeks my temperature has been up and my head feels groggy. Thought process isn't working properly if you get my meaning. I do feel like I have a cold but no cold symptoms. No runny nose or sore throat. I'm hoping this is just my body cleaning out the crap. I'm vaping 18 mg liquids, mainly menthol or cherry menthol as I find fruity flavours lose their flavour after first 2 puffs. I'm also just about to embark on DIY juices, got my pg, vg, nic and flavourings all ready :)
just hoping this damn not cold goes away as it's getting me down now lol
Happy vaping
Just found another side effect. Auto correct on my iPad wants it vamping, not vaping lmao
I have only been vaping for a week and already feeling some side effects. I have a sore head and i can constantly smell and taste the vapor not sure if that is normal. Also because all i can taste is the vapor i cant taste food properly. I also have a bad cough and blocked sinuses not sure if that is related.
Whenever I vape I instantly get hayfever type symptoms. It's a real pain. Iam awaiting a batch of VG as apparantly this will solve my problems

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Had very bad dry mouth and cracking lips. Now seems to all cleared up. Just dry mouth. Appears that my mouth has fo used to vaping all good now
I get a sore tongue i think it might be because i am using menthol any ideas
I haven't had anything yet, been doing it for 5 weeks, sore throat at the start but that's understandable,

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