Now for adjustables there are the Ego twists and Vision spinners which are pretty much what you have there but with an adjutment dial on the bottom, they're fairly limited in adjustibility but work quite well. Then there are the Vamo, VMax, & SVD, tube type VV/VW devices, or the Box type MVP2 and VTR. all of those (bar the VTR) can be found for under £50. I personally Have an SVD that I use quite regularly, never had any trouble and everything I have fits on it without complaint. Any of those options paired with the tanks mentioned earlier will give you a great setup that you can use for as long as you want. There are a few (very few) atomisers that allow you to adjust airflow and a couple that allow juice flow but they are mostly expensive rebuildables, and air flow and juice flow are more about quantity of vapour than flavour but it does affect both. Mostly control is from varying either the Voltage or Wattage applied to the coil - and by the resistance of the coil...