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So confused

Quick delivery / price to boot

Spent £30 on ego / ego copy before ordering that thursday night and delivered, signed for, this morn. Way better than ego, solid, sturdy, none of the twisting and turning to keep wick wet, cleaner more stronger juice taste battery still going strong from the box :D

@Pepper Have you got a linky for that?
@Ninjaassasin1983 i have been using snake oil in one of my evods and no problems to be fair. And my pt2 is now sat on the table full of squid ink, keep getting a random burnt taste and cant be bothered to sort it.

i've not had any bother with my protanks just been using these evods since I got em I like that they're compact so I can have like 3 or 4 Different flavours ready to go all the time - I've got my adv Black fire by bestcigliquid in one on my zmax and squid in one on my mvp and black ice menthol on another which i can change to and fruit mix in the other by Empvap
@Pepper Have you got a linky for that?

What? Vaping from the box :D

Purchase was from myepack as per recommendation in my of my threads. Incl p&p just over £30 - puts it into perspective when i cry into my hands at buying / exchanging then that ego packing up. Buying and losing ego. Buying copy ego dont it :gunban:
I've got more then a few ego battery's (few 600mah's, 900mah's, and 1100mah's) plus a box of ce4's. You think these will all fall apart or stop working? They working fine at the moment. ( 20 days use now so far)
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