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Social Misfit's Hall of mental anguish

Yeah, age is still the biggest factor in hospitalizations/serious illness/death. We've known this all along, that's why we vaccinated in descending age order. Many elderly folk are extremely frail, even a minor illness that most of us would bounce back from easily, can lead to serious problems.

If 100% of people were double vaccinated, then 100% of hospital admissions would be double vaccinated people. It's a meaningless headline.
Its a click bait headline
Agreed - if you watched the briefing, he did in fact state that 60% were vaccinated, he also went on to state that that is to be expected as a: hospitalisations are down over all from the last surge, and as such a large portion of the population is vaccinated it follows that a larger number of people who end in hospital will have been vaccinated, by the simple fact that they are now a larger percentage of the population than non vaccinated.

my issue with this headline and this as a result this thread is the way that has been portrayed to grab headlines …

Fuck me! 60% of people admitted to covid had two jabs!!!!”

Thereby kind of hinting that the vaccine doesn't work to grab a reader, i find it a cheap shot that does nothing to endear me to a media i already despise.

Thing is …

“many less people than before being admitted to hospital because jab is partially effective at stopping it”

Just doesn't grab the the drama lamas does it ?
And sadly adds fuel to the fire of the anti-vaxx brigade … all for the sake of a few clicks.

irresponsible journalism.

good or neutral news doesnt sell
My issue with the headline is that it's fucking wrong ................ :rotflmao:
How does he find this stuff so quickly?

i swear to god he just goes on reddit and searches “shit headlines i can wind ZT up with”
To be fair, now we know how wrong it is, it kind of explains why it seemed news-worthy though? :D
Only if you didnt watch or read the briefing where it was all explained really well - even if it was 60%!
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