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Some help needed, a tad concerned

Blazing Bob

New Member
Feb 21, 2017
Hi all,
I am in need of some advice from more knowledgeable vapers, I have been vaping for about 3 years and for the last couple I have used the istick 50w and currently the istick power with a lemo 2 tank, I vape at 20 watts and have never had an issue until today.

Yesterday I replaced the coil in the lemo 2 like I have done many times in the past and it vaped fine, The only thing I did different during the coil change was to strip it all down and give it a good clean. Today at work it stood on my desk and when I picked it up to vape the mod was very very hot to touch, i had hardly used it, I looked at the ohms on the display and it was reading 0.52 (pretty normal for the coil) I then noticed it jump to 0.6 ohms then 0.7 then back town to 0.5.

I thought maybe the coil had come loose so opened up the tank and all looked fine, I changed the coil anyway and it read 0.5, all was fine for a while until it did the exact same thing, the mod was not activating but was getting really hot and the ohms changed to 0.54, started to panic a bit then as I was not sure if mods like these are even able to blow up or explode.

After it getting hot for the 2nd time I took it to the workshop and hit all the contacts with compressed air, it has sat stable at 0.56 ohms and has not got hot since.

What im worried about is how it got hot without even activating, the mod just sat there on my desk, Is it safe to use? will the in built protection stop it from exploding if there is a problem?

Sorry for the long first post but as I say im concerned even having it in the house with the children now.

Thankyou to all that can help, Bob.
Can't comment on what's happening, accept to say just ditch it. Get an ipower 80w as a replacement. The 50w's not an expensive mod, and whatever anyone says you're probably never going to be certain something's not up with it, so for the sake of that worry just get rid imo.
Thanks for the reply Ninja, but the problem is with the ipower 80w, its only 4 months old.
Thanks for the reply Ninja, but the problem is with the ipower 80w, its only 4 months old.
Sorry misread that. My thoughts would generally be the same though. Have you googled this issue with the ipower? If it's only 4 months old I'd speak to the vendor was it from somewhere in the uk?
Yep had a look on google but not much info really, I purchased it all from eleaf uk direct.
It sounds like you had a poor connection somewhere. The heat is most likely from the battery being put under strain to supply the required current, recheck all your connections, make sure the centre pin of the tank is lined up correctly and that the centre pin on the mod hasnt shifted. Monitor the situation closely, if it heats up again don't use the device anymore and contact the vendor...
It sounds like you had a poor connection somewhere. The heat is most likely from the battery being put under strain to supply the required current, recheck all your connections, make sure the centre pin of the tank is lined up correctly and that the centre pin on the mod hasnt shifted. Monitor the situation closely, if it heats up again don't use the device anymore and contact the vendor...
Yep, with it being only 4 months old, you should be able to get it replaced or fixed under warranty.
This is the bit that worries me "it got hot without even activating, the mod just sat there on my desk"

.. wouldn't that suggest a short somewhere, if it's heating up without even being fired? @Tubbyengineer
This is the bit that worries me "it got hot without even activating, the mod just sat there on my desk"

.. wouldn't that suggest a short somewhere, if it's heating up without even being fired? @Tubbyengineer
Sticky buttons - just been cleaned - the airline treatment would have got rid of the bits causing it to stick, but its also why I said to monitor it closely...
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