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SS Mech Mods

Hi all

So now the guys have got me looking at Mech Mods again <sigh> i'm soooo gonna be skint lol

Any suggestions of a good Mech Mod

Been looking at: K100, Sentinel, Segeli Hammer,Smok pipe . . . . Something that stands out quite like detailed stuff like the hammer but nothing as big as the e-huge

Something that is simple, safe preferably VW/VV (if that exists in a mech) and something dare I say it shiney

What have I started lol

did JustDave manage to sell his hammer?....i can recomend them obviously ;)

the nem is my advice,good price and exceptional design with its smooth lines and versatility to take a kick...be wary of the cheaper kicks as they.in my experience,need the edges filed down to fit properly.

the sentinels etc are a bigger tube so the kick doenst make contact with the tube wall :(

with a few that i have to choose from my nems are always in daily use :)
Mrdazjones now that is tempting but I reckon it will be gone before I can afford it. Just spent 60 on juice and 100 on tanks loo thanks anyway
clint if it didnt have that copper looking ring it would be a contender
Depends if you prefer telescopic mods or 1 tube per battery types like the Nem, bottom fire, pinky fire or top button?
Depends if you prefer telescopic mods or 1 tube per battery types like the Nem, bottom fire, pinky fire or top button?

Well on my Vamo, I use 18350's for vaping in general and 18650's for Driving so would be looking for a similar setup, not too fussed on the button side of it as long as it is not awkward
VV/VW either a MVP 2 or an Evic. Straight mech for me has to be the Nem, chi-you or Caravela.
I quite like the sentinel but really dislike brass or copper type finishes. Ss or chrome at a push. I keep coming back to the hammer just on the sheer novelty factor I think @Mawsley has one, might see how he's getting on with it

Compared to a vamo in size whats the sentinel like?

Once you go mech you never go beck
I've made a point of using the Hammer yesterday and today in order to give it some love, the love it richly deserves.

I use my Vamo as an ohms checker now and nothing more.
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