Well I know a lot more than I did yesterday.
I didn't know all coils 'off-gas' to some degree, I didn't know that the discolouration was oxidation (it's not something I've ever noticed with Kanthal). I didn't know how bad dry burning was for the chemical composition of the wire.
was interesting was finding out loads of people were using stainless steel wire without realising (G-Plat) so there were plenty of videos where I could see the oxidation of SS.
I guess mentally I was perceiving TC as something different to regular vaping, like a different kind of power or something (I'm not really sure what I thought tbh!) when in actuality it's just regular vaping that regulates itself. (well, duh! Like I said for some reason I'd made a distinction)
What I discovered made me even more cautious of using wire with nickel or chrome and validated my choice of going for 304 against 316/7. I also should have picked up some Ti wire
I also learned that using SS in Ti mode is little more than a proof of concept without the correct profile. Given the low change in resistance as the wire heats up means the 'resolution' or fine control of temp simply isn't there for it to be usable.
The flavour still isn't right with SS, there are two factors that differ from my usual setup, the wire material and the fact it's a spaced coil over a micro coil.
I saw plenty of people loving the G-Plat saying it was cleaner etc but for me it's just not right, less flavour with a twang of something.
So really I have more questions (but more knowledge) than I started with. For example what role does oxidation play in a wire? Do you need a little to prevent off gassing of the metal nasties? If you create a lot of oxidation and then break that seal it seems to be even worse so dry heating of wire should be kept to an absolute minimum. Dr F suggests not heating the wire at all but then are you missing that protective layer of oxidation?
Listen, I know it's still a lot better than smoking and it's best not to stress over the minutia until proper testing is done but I like to try and understand as much as I can about things so if you've got any input let me know