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Starting out with tc


Jun 7, 2016
So as the title suggests I'm tryout tc for the first time properly
But I'm not having a good time of it
I have a dna250 mod, crazy wires Nife52 at 0.23mm / 31 gauge
Ni200 26 gauge
Ss316 multiple sizes
I've been using the default settings on the Ni200/ss316 and a custom tcr setting in escribe of 0.00340 for the NiFe
Building poor but spaced coils ( not used to thin wire or spaced builds) and wicking very thinly
But the vape is very inconsistent, either far above the set temp or really weak

What's really not helping is I've pretty much only used mechs/pwm builds for the last 6 months or so and it's been contact coils the entire time, so any advice would be appreciated as I want to get this working
OK, start by making sure you've run the case analyser tool in Escribe (Start with a half charged or less battery, plug it in and run the case analyser - this will make sure the board reads changes in room and mod temperature correctly. Next you'll need to load the Nifethal 52 material profile into to Escribe (i've attached it to this post), simply go to the materials tab, click the folder button, select the file and open - that will add it to the list of materials in Escribe - you can then add that to the mods list of materials and include it in a profile as normal.
Next you'll need to make sure your atty is clean dry and cold, Build the Nifethal 52 coil, slightly spaced if you can,attach to the mod set mod tto the Nifethal profile and fire just once for a very short period to register the resistance, make a note of that, then fire the mod again for a little longer to heat and stress the coil. Adjust the coil to suit making sure you remove any hotspots or touching wraps, then wick it so that the wick moves through the coil with a little resistance but doesn't pull it out of shape, wet the wick then attach to the device again, make sure the atty is cool before you fire it again - this should lock in the final resistance - it shouldn't be too much different from the old reading but will be slightly different, start with a temp around 350f, which will most likely be too cool, average temp setting seems to be around 440f - 450f...


  • DNA200-Nifethal_52_(Alloy52)-SteamEngine.csv
    220 bytes · Views: 84
Is your resistance locked?
Yeah, I've actually been getting on OK with the tc now
I wasn't locking it to begin with which I think was causing a lot more problems, but I'm not used to regulated mods
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