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Steel wire


Sep 12, 2015
Morning all, just a quick question. I've always use kanthal and get on great with it however I was given some steel wire to use, 0.3. Very easy to use and ramp up time I'd say it's twice as quick. The resistance of the steel 0.3 is the same as 0.4 kanthal but am just wondering if it can be used for temperature control.

Anyone know?

Thanks guys n gals.
Yes stainless steel can be used for tc. The new dna 200 chips even allow you to custom plot for various metals, I use ss alot now, however ss coils are used in the triton coils and work fine in normal mode
Awesome, thanks for that. I'm using it as a dual micro coil in a steam crave rdta and I'm very impressed. For tc using ss can you use a micro coil or do you need spaces like when using nickel?
I've only tried spaced coils, but I don't see why not. Have you tried titanium wire yet? It's tricky to work with, but gives a much better vape
I just read however that ss doesn't work too good on dna 40 devices as it expects it to be ni200 thus meaning it will not perform aswell as it could, get a dna 200 and map your own wire if you really like it
Thanks for your input cjw, not got a dna device to date but a local store are doing a dna200 for 110 so may have to grab one and see what the fuss is all about!
To use SS you need a device (like the DNA200) that has adjustable TCR (thermal coefficient of resistance). TCR is how the resistance of a coil changes with temperature. A DNA40 device only havs the TCR for ni200 (68-4 ish) which is 7 x higher than for SS (10-4 ish).

The only devices I'm aware of that can do TC with SS at the moment are DNA200 powered items and the Apollo Reliant.
The smok x cube has the option for ss but haven't given that a go yet
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