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Stock Coil Question

Some people say with some stock coils they need to vaped at certain wattage or they over wick are you running them below the rated wattage?
I wouldn't say it worries me, i just don't want to be changing coils when there is still life in the one it's happening with. I think the gurgle is the most annoying though. The 2 Luxe X Pro's are the only ones that i use stock coils regularly, I liked the Innokin Sceptre but not tried the 2, I did win a Sceptre 2 on here but gave it to my Son. i might give the Sceptre 2 a go but for me the Luxe X Pro will take some beating. I have looked at the Xros 3 and the Oxva Xlim over the past few days so will give them a bit more thought.

I've got a XROS 3, it's a brilliant little kit but the 0.8's leak like a drain. Conversely the 0.7's are as dry as a bone - and a better pod for that matter, but you can only get them from LOV or abroad because they're 3ml. The 0.6ohm and the 1.0ohm pods that came with it were both dry, but the 0.6 was too loose of a vape for me.

I've never had a OXVA Slim but I've heard they can be a bit leaky, but that's just hear-say so your mileage may vary.

The next time I buy a pod I'll be going back to the Sceptre with the 0.5's, they never leaked a drop, although my Dad's 1.2's did.
I like the Luxe X Pro for not leaking though i have only tried the 1.2 Coils. The last Coil in one of my Pro's i was getting juice in my mouth (a couple of times) and gurgling. I replaced it yesterday and the new coil has been great so far. I have a Gotek Pro arriving in the next couple of days and am hoping that it's nearly as good as the Luxe X Pro. I can't remember if i have used a Pod without a Screen but it's going to feel weird.
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