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Hi and welcome! Your inro is worrying me as I’m falling very quickly into what you describe. Fun though and I’m convinced the hobby side is definitely helping stay off the smokes
Hiya, and thanks for the intro! I've been Vaping over 5 years now, and tend to concentrate on one variable at a time.
First was pre-made Juice, in a simple iClear clearomiser. I settled on what flavours I liked after a couple of years, so I got into DIY Juice.
I moved away from RTA's with stock coils after I discovered the joy of a Kayfunalike and cotton wick. I did go through quite a few RTA's, but still sticking to A1 Kanthal for builds.
I Dripped occasionally, but was more interested in the functionality of all day vaping, and RTA's suited me.
I did, however, treat myself to a Squonk Mod a couple of years ago, and as I already had a few RDAs that came with bottom feed pins, I had the kit to give it a go.
I've pretty much Squonked exclusively for the last 18 months, building the same MTL 1.2-1.5 oHm A1 Kanthal coils, around the same small, blue screwdriver I've used for years.
Then I realised my Spool of Kanthal was running out!! I bought it 5 years ago, so probably time for a change.
It's so long ago that I bought my wire, and I've handled the spool so much, that I can't tell exactly the gauge of wire I've been using.
I just got a few wraps, around a bit of cardboard, of a few different wire thicknesses and types. Time to start messing with coils!!!

What I'm trying to say (I think!) is that vaping, for me, was originally, a way to focus on not smoking. Then it moved into a keep vaping and break the smoking habit. Next it became a hobby, that was taking up some time, and made me get my eyes tested and realise my eyesight, for close work, had got poor without me noticing, until I started building my own coils. So a positive health bonus there!
More lately, Vaping has given me the opportunity to start experimenting with oHms law, reading loads, doing research on Flavour interactions and how to enhance juice. A positive educational outcome, as to be fair, the last study I did in any depth was last century! I am planning on taking my new glasses, and new found enthusiasm for researching stuff that interests me onto newer vistas, completely unrelated to Vaping.

So, all in all, I guess Vaping has had a fairly positive outcome for me, even if it involves a bit of faffing about!!
Very nice post @keepitgoin, in my case the hobby side kicked in when I realised I was missing a lot with the carto, it was never to get off the cigs as this happened pretty much on the day I started vaping. My wife likes to say I traded one addiction for another though, she'll at least concede that it is "probably" better than cigarettes, but can't say she has any inclination to hear a lot about it, she might be happy for me if I get excited with a juice recipe I came up with or a more intricate wire I may build but that's that... What's interesting with vaping is that it is one of the few hobbies I'm aware of that attracts both nerds like me, as well as 25 year old dudes, as well as old(er) folk, none of these groups would have much time for each other otherwise.
Hello @Biochemist ,nice to meet you Mate !!!
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