Hiya, and thanks for the intro! I've been Vaping over 5 years now, and tend to concentrate on one variable at a time.
First was pre-made Juice, in a simple iClear clearomiser. I settled on what flavours I liked after a couple of years, so I got into DIY Juice.
I moved away from RTA's with stock coils after I discovered the joy of a Kayfunalike and cotton wick. I did go through quite a few RTA's, but still sticking to A1 Kanthal for builds.
I Dripped occasionally, but was more interested in the functionality of all day vaping, and RTA's suited me.
I did, however, treat myself to a Squonk Mod a couple of years ago, and as I already had a few RDAs that came with bottom feed pins, I had the kit to give it a go.
I've pretty much Squonked exclusively for the last 18 months, building the same MTL 1.2-1.5 oHm A1 Kanthal coils, around the same small, blue screwdriver I've used for years.
Then I realised my Spool of Kanthal was running out!! I bought it 5 years ago, so probably time for a change.
It's so long ago that I bought my wire, and I've handled the spool so much, that I can't tell exactly the gauge of wire I've been using.
I just got a few wraps, around a bit of cardboard, of a few different wire thicknesses and types. Time to start messing with coils!!!
What I'm trying to say (I think!) is that vaping, for me, was originally, a way to focus on not smoking. Then it moved into a keep vaping and break the smoking habit. Next it became a hobby, that was taking up some time, and made me get my eyes tested and realise my eyesight, for close work, had got poor without me noticing, until I started building my own coils. So a positive health bonus there!
More lately, Vaping has given me the opportunity to start experimenting with oHms law, reading loads, doing research on Flavour interactions and how to enhance juice. A positive educational outcome, as to be fair, the last study I did in any depth was last century! I am planning on taking my new glasses, and new found enthusiasm for researching stuff that interests me onto newer vistas, completely unrelated to Vaping.
So, all in all, I guess Vaping has had a fairly positive outcome for me, even if it involves a bit of faffing about!!