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Sturgeon is on a collision course with Johnson.

Get Back To Work, Stay Alert, Save The Economy

Stay at home is now working too well, despite the pics of people in parks and shit. Watch the Daily Fail turn on people and call them lazy chunts, for not wanting to risk the workplace and or send the kids back to school.
If only we’d listened in 1962

If a minister has to use the phrase “Stay Alert clearly means...” then it doesn’t mean it clearly.

If only there was a snappy way to communicate that people should obey the rules, like using three words that really encapsulate that act of obeying the rules. I don’t know, just spitballing here, something like “Obey The Fucking Rul...”, damn, I don’t appear to be able to condense it very well.

Read a lovely piece today about “Oh don’t blame them, they’re trying their best”. That this phrase ceases to have any meaning once you move away from the side of the pitch at an U11’s football match.
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