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Sub ohm build for Kanger Sub Tank


Jun 30, 2015
Hey guys I wonder if I could have some advice and pointers. I have a Kanger Sub Mega and just purchased myself an istick 50w.

Up until now I've been using the Vamo V6 with great success. I've just recently started making my own coils using Kenthal 26 and a Coil Master also with some good success stories (considering I've only been trying to build them a week).

I've found an 7 wrap coil @ 2.5 mm comes out at around 1.6ohm, and at 20W gives huge flavour and great clouds which I'm quite impressed with.

If I ramp up the istick passed 22W understandably I start getting burnt hits.
My question is which way do I go coil wise to be able to use the full potential of my I stick. Am I right In thinking I need to lower the ohm's while maintaining the amount of wraps (for surface contact area between coil and wick) if so how do I do that? Smaller coils? Twisted wire)

Thanx in advance for any advice

P.s I've done heaps of research to the point my head hurts just need someone to put it in simple stupid terms for me lol
Use twisted wire or dual coil, that should half the ohms of each coil.

So 2 x 1.6ohm coils would come out at 0.8ohms total.
Ok thanks for that I'll give that a go.

One last thing I forgot to add how to i minimise burnt hits? More wicking?

I've already modded the RBA with two drill holes to allow extra juice flow....
It could need more wick but I suspect most new users over-wick, blocking the flow through the wicking material to the coil.

Less is more, mostly!
this is going to sound a bit harsh but

just because the istick duz 50watts dont mean you have to aim to use 50watts. i doubt most people even vape at 40 let alone 50 could be wrong though.
It could need more wick but I suspect most new users over-wick, blocking the flow through the wicking material to the coil.

Less is more, mostly!

Funny enough I have adopted the less is more attitude it does seem to work better. Admittedly the first couple of attempts were less successful after cramming too much in there
this is going to sound a bit harsh but

just because the istick duz 50watts dont mean you have to aim to use 50watts. i doubt most people even vape at 40 let alone 50 could be wrong though.

I get that totally!! I guess what I'm getting at is do I need to lower the ohm's to be able to increase the power for bigger clouds while maintaining the coil size.
I get that totally!! I guess what I'm getting at is do I need to lower the ohm's to be able to increase the power for bigger clouds while maintaining the coil size.

im not into clouds so i wouldnt have a clue tbh. but my logic tells me just building a lower ohm coil the same size as the one you are using will just lead to quicker dry hits. if the wick cant keep up at 22 watts now i cant see how it will keep up with 30 40 or 50
Hi tazz229.
I'm with ned in this one.
I'm a bit new on vaping but for my limited experience I can tell you that just because you can use 50w doesn't mean you must.
After you get a bit more seasoned building coils you can start trying and tweaking on multicoil builds to fully take advantage of the watts your APV can throw at them.
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