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Sub Ohming / Cloud vaping Rant rant rant !!!

Soap dodgers who stink of B.O. are way more offensive than someone wearing too much aftershave/perfume. Manners, respect, etc come down to each individuals beliefs of what constitutes these things.
One mans cunt is another's mans wife.
People do complain and get things done, that is why there is no longer lead in petrol

Yet another perfect example of busybodies causing huge problems for people and not caring because to their mind shaming people because of the alleged (because road vehicle amd small engine use isn't proved to be the major fact in any climate change it is claimed to be by some) enviromental impact and shaming people into accepting a lead ban In petrol and an increase in so called 'greener' more ethanol rich fuels.

Lead free petrol has destroyed more classic and older vehicles than you would believe, lack of access to leaded fuel and the decrease in access to the additives designed to make he new fuel usable has meant that many vehicles are scrapped or relagated to show pieces and owners buying newer vehicles which has probably a larger impact on the enviroment than running leaded petrol.

Ethanol rich fuels are a massive problem for older small engines, lawnmowers, chainsaws, and other small petrol tools as well as larger two stroke engines also. The fhel burns too hot and the small tool engines can't handle it, it beats up the insides rapidly and the alcohol can eat away at some of the Internals meaning that spares are replaced more often meaning more industrial pollution and resource use happening more rapidly.

The higher ethanol content also means that there is a potential for a higher water content in the fuel which can cause problems during use but also.... it can mean that the fuel can't be stored for as long a period which can lead to wastage and unnecessary use or destruction.

The other issue with it is that the two stroke engines are often more efficient in terms of the power when cI'm pared to a 4 stroke of the same capacity. So when replacing a 2 stroke engine killed by lack of.access to a power source it can handle long term.... I have to buy a 4 stroke engine which can handle the new gas better but....

For me to get the same performance from the new tool or bike I need double the capacity of the two stroke engine in my new 4 stroke.

And of course larger engines burn more gas creating more pollution.

Shame being feeling based can and does have problems in terms of what it is used to do or encourage people to do. It can encourage decisions that actually hinder the goal that person was shamed into supporting.
Yet another perfect example of busybodies causing huge problems for people and not caring because to their mind shaming people because of the alleged (because road vehicle amd small engine use isn't proved to be the major fact in any climate change it is claimed to be by some) enviromental impact and shaming people into accepting a lead ban In petrol and an increase in so called 'greener' more ethanol rich fuels.

Lead free petrol has destroyed more classic and older vehicles than you would believe, lack of access to leaded fuel and the decrease in access to the additives designed to make he new fuel usable has meant that many vehicles are scrapped or relagated to show pieces and owners buying newer vehicles which has probably a larger impact on the enviroment than running leaded petrol.

The reason lead was removed from petrol is because it is a toxic substance & in cities was causing degenerative problems in the young.Older engines can be modified to run on unleaded simply by machining inserts in the valve seats & if this isn't possible (lack of space for machining) there are after-market additives that enable engines to be run on unleaded fuels.You only have to look to the emission controls of (particularly California) the USA around the 1970's to see what utterly ridiculous controls did to their large capacity motors.To comply with the regulations,the engines output was so restricted that you may as well have bought a smaller European car as these often had twice the output of an engine 3x it's size.

As this thread appears to have wandered here,there & everywhere between until everyone has had their say before posting their intention to cease discussing the OP I too will call it a day as it's late,I'm bored of being called names for my style of vaping & it seems to be the done thing to post a final comment.
having people making comments calculated into driving you out of a pub because the presence of a spastic in public makes them uncomfortable or watching the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with be systematically broken down, shaming from the family all because they don't want her to 'waste her life looking after a cripple'

...and shame on you. I am too long in the tooth to be bullied or silenced by "progressive stack" victim BS. I get enough of that shit from radical feminists. Your sob stories have nothing to do with the issue at hand. Sorry if you thought this would be an argument winner, but it isn't. I find it insulting to me and to disabled people that you played this card.

If you REALLY need to vape in a supermarket, and I don't believe for a moment that you do, then ask for permission.
and jediknight129 as much as i sympathise with you using nicotine to combat what your medication does to you, if you walked into my shop (i work for tesco) and started to vape anywhere in my store, i would ask you very politely to stop......and if you refused because of whatever reason, meds or not, then i would remove you ;)

we dont allow anyone, not even shoplifters to smoke/vape or take anything....and this is with advice from the police.......

and dont use the old "its not advertised anywhere that you cant vape" bollocks either.....we dont advertise the fact that you cant shit down the aisles either and apart from two occasions when this has happened, most people adhere to this......

dont presume anything..........seek permission
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