Sorry, but I do not believe anybody spends so long shopping in a supermarket that they could not wait till they get outside. If you are vaping in a supermarket, you are an asshole. ....
So because I use nicotine intake as a way to manage and minimize some of the affects of my medication I'm an arsehole??? Because when I'm close to puking and Know it or the sto machine cramps are tearing at my stomach so badly they.are making me dizzy and a drag on a coolfire two with low airflow held in and swallowed till no vapour is released makes me an arsehole then does it....
Alright.... nice to know.
As for 'what's needed is a good dose of shame' . That isn't something you want to come back into vogue trust me....
having people making comments calculated into driving you out of a pub because the presence of a spastic in public makes them uncomfortable or watching the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with be systematically broken down, shaming from the family all because they don't want her to 'waste her life looking after a cripple'
Shaming people in public is the preserve of miserable busybodies on buses who think it's socially acceptable to hurl invective at people for not getting up because he is young regardless of the fact I had my cane next to me and could barely stand unaided at the time.
Shaming me, the justification for one of that class to physically assault me, ripping my headphones ears and shoving me in my damaged spine because I didn't respond to her demands that I stop drinking my can of relentless and when I did respond she couldn't grasp the fact it wasn't a high strength lager can and argued based on her age and experience....
Shame the reason behind the dirty looks i'd get when my girlfriend kissed me chastely when I'm in the wheelchair.
Shame and guilt used as pressures to demand that unpopular opinions aren't aired or discussed, the new hot buton issue, the battle cry of the 'social warrior' 'I'm really offended by that opinion/statement/attitude' as if that is a valid and conVincing argument for a mind to be changed.
If You don't like a particular view or opinion and think it to be incorrect attempts at shaming someone into changing it isn't going to change anything and is more Likely to just ensure that opinion become more solidly entrenched. Present a credible argument against it use facts and logic to show why it's wrong.
Shame and pressure from outsiders is what got the smoking ban passed.... its what getc games banned and in my experience it's done by people who would nevery be affected anyway.
So many anti smokers shaming us smokers by labelling us as the reason they don't go to pubs, labelling us as the great evil.that has been driving them out of pubs as if we were some monolithic entity sat on high screaming 'you shall not pass into our domain!!!'
The campaigners wrote letters saying they'd go to the pubs if smoking was banned, that there would be a huge outpouring of support from the anti smoking community and there would be a new golden age of pubs as centres of the community.... th pub trade offered compromises that have been proved to work with the issue of second hand smoke, high end ventilation systems that would allow for a smokers bar and a non smokers bar, bans only in pubs that served food, bans at the landlords discretion. Other industries asked for considerations and approaches that they suggested with techniques.for better managing the risks.
But the shame brigade demanded that they be able to dictate the rules of a private business creating stupid situations like if I am driving from the office to a meeting with a client then technically I can't smoke in the car since it is at that point an extension of my workspace.
If I own my own business as a plumber and own my own van, because it is a work vehicle it is illegal to smoke in it.... even if I am the sole person involved with either van or business other than the punter.
what happened... that's right they didn't come in and because of the breakup conversations for smoke breaks, the atmosphere suffered, there became a big dI vide between smokers and none smokers which meant that some pubs looked dead inside meaning no one new came in but rocked outside so the pub struggled to attract passing trade,
the anti's then pushed for more out of spite, they took from us our nice comfortable shelters that were built because 'that's 51% not 50' so forced pubs to tear walls down or rip holes in the roofs of the back area of the pub to conform to the rules. All to make the smoking experience miserable and shameful.
Evenue now moving to demanding pubs kick smokers out of the beer gardens and outdoor seating as this throng of people flocking to the pub now it's smoke free now promise busy trade in every beer garden if only those smokers would be bounced out again. To a little area somewhere out of sight.
Protesting and writing letters lambasting the governet for allowing x game into the uk when they won't ever have any sort of contact with the game. Snap decisions based on a 2 second clip in a news story or a talking heads diatribe in the paper.
Making it acceptable for people to 'shame' others in public and saying it is Needed and a right and moral thing to do well that's just blatantly condoning bullying,
And intimidation.
Shame and the idea of things bejng done for 'your own good' or 'the good of the public' allowing the mob to dictate the rules of a private establishment. Shame giving the government the power to ride roughshod over people's rights to make their own decisions.
Screaming and hurling abuse and crass comments about pens sizes and then claiming shrilly that you own the moral high ground is hilarious btw.
As for the direct and indirect stuff... If I am directly aFfe
Affecting you then come talk to me rationally and we can discuss and compromise (note compromise isn't I do everything you want and give up everything you demand)
But 'indirectly affecting you' then I'm Not generally quite so ameniable because to be frank I don't give a dam whether my ability to own a perfectly legal item makes you feel uncomfortable for example. Because as long as the item is used safely, legally and with the respect it deserves and isn't used to harm another then that item isn't a problem.
Similarly I really wouldn't care massively if you were offended by my chouse of reading material whilst I was on the bus as long as it fit within the courts accepted rules for public display (banning for example hardcore grot mags or hate literature)
So glaring at me for reading a gun magazine on the bus or for flicking through a bike rag with a few bikini shots in won't affect me.
Yes my rights end where yours begin but nowhere do you have the right not to be offended nor do you have the right to belittle and bully others for perfectly legal activities just because they dont fit within your sense of what the world 'should be'.
The 'sharia law zone's' in Enfield and Walthamstow only 'work' because of shame bejng used as a weapon much as has been advocated here to return society back to 'good old fashioned morality'
asmall part of that community using n the power of dirty looks... glares, intimidation and violence to shame people into 'respecting' their views and beliefs..demanding other people abide by the rules of their religion because these people have decided that area is their's.