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talking to a friend about giving up smoking.


Jan 15, 2018
I was talking to a friend about giving up smoking. How smoking is making her feel un well. So I asked have you tried vaping. then she anwered yes I have and didn't like. How vaping doesn't give the kick that smoking does. What is she doing wrong? I was thinking maybe the nicotine isn't high enough or the kits wrong. I always get a kick out of my vapes. If I didn't I wouldn't vape. with nearly 3 years under my belt. theres no way i'm going back. but i'd like the chance to help others get off cigs. It just that it sems some people don't want to be help. How they will quit when its their time.
A person has Got To want to give up as well.. Half decent kit and 20mg salts should get them their nic hit..... But unless they want to quit.... They'll use all kinds of excuses.
My missus was stubborn as hell and it took 2weeks in an induced coma to get her off the stinkies... She loves vaping now.. She's just dropped from 18 to 12 mg
I'm proud of her.. She wouldn't be here if she kept smoking
there was loads that I wanted to tell her about vaping. I didn't want to come across as obsessive. if she had of shown an interest I was going to send her a kit.
my grandma died of copd my father died of smoking he had cancer. and they smoked a lot. I was the same. when I got married I was coughing up blood. not good. so glad I stopped.
As @gary68 said, they need to be personally motivated to give up. I've given away all kinds of stuff over the years but it's doomed if they don't commit. Nowadays I believe if they wanna stop then invest in their own hardware and crack on, nothing like putting your own hand in your pocket as a motivator.
Life would be so much easier if others did what i told them to do. Obviously, I know much better and they should thank me for the remainder of their lives, or my life, whichever is the shorter; that would probably be mine if I keep telling people what to do.

Personally, I think many switch attempts fail because of the wrong choice of kit. Switchers are also unprepared for how different vaping is to smoking. Only motivation and will power bridges the gaps - trying more than one kit, persisting with the new activity. Those who give up quickly, after perhaps only one vaping experience, cannot be helped ... you cannot inject motivation and will power into people.

At the end of the day, it's their problem, not yours.
It's not easy to give anything that you have been doing a long time. It took illness to make me stop smoking and even then i wasn't sure if i could manage it, as i have said before i tried vaping back in the early days when it was new and failed but my journey this time has been better, although i wouldn't say easier, when your sat on your own with no one to talk too i have often thought maybe i will have one roll-up it won't be a problem, then i look at the things i have bought and say to myself don't be an arsehole and stick with vaping. I do actually feel better for it and not had them feelings for a while. I am still waiting for the "wait for the money you will save " moment to happen and apart from not saving any i think it's going well.
Hi Lene

I have helped 6 people i know quit and they all started off using mtl pods with nic salts.

Some on the caliburn and some on the Wenax by GeekVape

Like others have said they have to want to do it. I smoked and vaped for a while b4 deciding to stop the fags, others have just made the switch.

For me only mtl and salts worked but as we know we are all so different. There is no right way, its all trial and error

Dee x
It's not easy to give anything that you have been doing a long time. It took illness to make me stop smoking and even then i wasn't sure if i could manage it, as i have said before i tried vaping back in the early days when it was new and failed but my journey this time has been better, although i wouldn't say easier, when your sat on your own with no one to talk too i have often thought maybe i will have one roll-up it won't be a problem, then i look at the things i have bought and say to myself don't be an arsehole and stick with vaping. I do actually feel better for it and not had them feelings for a while. I am still waiting for the "wait for the money you will save " moment to happen and apart from not saving any i think it's going well.
That slippery slope! Know it well. I packed in for 16 years and then decided to have one ... in just weeks I was back on 10-15 a day.

When I quit the second time, using cigalikes, money wasn't the issue so I was happy enough to spend more on vaping than I was spending on fags and baccy. I'm pretty sure that if my main motivation was only to save money, rather than health, it wouldn't have worked. My first couple of years of vaping cost me thousands, I went straight down the rabbit hole and enjoyed the journey. Fortunately, I had got into mixing and selling juice to a few friends who I was persuading to make the switch. I quickly found I could sell enough juice to fund my own vaping - vaping hasn't cost me a penny in the last four years. The guys I got to switch, and who still buy some juice from me, are also saving a lot of money ... and feeling healthier ... win win.

If you want to stop smoking you need to commit to it. If you want to save money you need to get a tight grip on what you're spending. Two different things entirely but it's possible to put them together.
for me I know if I just had one cig i'd be back on my 40 to 60 roll ups a day. I've done that when I went cold turkey. just one cig and I was smoking more.
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