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Tentatively sticking my head above the parapet (long ramble...sorry)

A very warm welcome Lawick

And remember, there is no such thing as a silly question here.
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Thanks for all your welcomes & comments guys- I'm gonna have loads of questions I'm sure so thank you for making it so easy! XX
Heya and welcome from a fellow London newbie!!
I totally understand where you are coming from, it's all a bit overwhelming at the beginning. I am sure I will get my head round it soon. I am also a fellow geek.
Downside is, I work with lots of geeks and they have all switched to vaping. And they always have all this new shiny stuff. I can see myself spending a fortune soon.
Good thing is, I prefer pink sparkly things, my purchases should be safe from them :-)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Lawick I opted for vaping because I mistakenly believed it would save me money,but buying the gear to keep vaping is starting to overtake what I would've spent on baccy :rofl:

Stick at it,you'll find your feet soon enough.

Welcome to the Planet, and don't panic. It took me the best part of a year of vaping to finally smoke my last cig, there is no set timeframe. Just enjoy what you've found, listen to advice and find the setup that works best for you, one day not too far off you'll decide that you prefer vapes to fags and that'll be it. I was on 40 a day for 21 years and managed it, and I'm not the only one here with a similar story. The difference between what we do and NRT is that there is no pressure. Vaping is an enjoyable replacement, not a doctrine designed to make you hate yourself for enjoying nicotine. Browse around, find different atties, different juices, find the power unit that appeals (mech, ego, vv, vw etc) and settle into it gently and happily :D
Hello and :welcome2:! You'll find everyone here really helpful, so don't be scared to ask questions!! :D
there is no such thing as a silly here.

Except a Midnight :)

Hi and welcome Lawick. Well done on finding e-cigs and this place.

When I first came here I was wanting to quit but the e-cigs I had tried were not much cop. I had no idea there were so many different batteries, tanks, and (best of all) e-liquid flavours! I am still adding to a list of juice I want to try.

It's a pretty awesome experience. Hope you have as much fun trying as I do! :)
Welcome to the Planet Lawick!!!:welcome1: Enjoy your stay and make the most of the Fountain of Knowledge available to you from the Friendliest Members on Officially the Greatest Vaping Forum on the Planet!!!
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