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Tester wanted for: SERIES B DNA 75 (new sandstorm 25mm version)

@Tubbyengineer the bottom corner is a dent... the bit near the USB port looks like it's possibly taken a little of the finish with it. Looking at it I don't think it will destroy the rest of the finish like it would on a painted mod though. My crius 2 which is sitting on top doesn't look like it's got a scratch on it and the glass even survived.
@red5 one good thing at least it’s working don’t think a smok mod would have still been working being droped at height
Glad the crius didn’t get damaged or broken glass
Thought my screen had a small crack in it this morning only just found it as a plastic screen protector on the mod all is good now
Mines holding up great

Tiny bit of atty rash but that's probably me over tightening as all my mods end up with it
hope you are all enjoying the mod as since i received it last saturday ive not had a chance to pick it up once thanks to work. 8 call ins in 7 days and thats on top of my normal 8-4 monday to friday.
gutted and it looks like it will be like this until 2nd january for me as im now covering two other people :(
Last post disappeared.
Battery door magnets pulled out if mine today. Not a massive problem I'll just glue it back in but thought I'd mention it.
Been waiting for some ss wire to turn up and I haven't ordered it. I'll get some from the local b and m.
I must admit I thought I had broken mine the other night, it fell from the kitchen worktop to the floor and landed on the base. Battery door wouldn't go back on and I thought I might of sprained the base fitting. Few minutes leter I noticed the bottom magnet had come off in the fall and was on the door, quick dab of superglue and good as new again. Not a mark on the mod and still performing brilliantly
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