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The 100Thousand campaign...

I'm sure any referendum will be pushed foreward to after the next election anyway lol, as usual
[Qforeward/backward, it's all the same tUOTE="HAZZA1962, post: 1013347, member: 8962"]Don't you mean backward or is it just me being thick as usual ?!!![/QUOTE]
foreward/backward, it's all the same to me lol
after spending ages trying to find out exactly what I was signing, I'm sorry but no. There is no way am I signing something saying I will vote to leave the EU.
My vote is my choice not yours
Look, It's a threat - a protest designed to show how upset we are. The threat is get us an opt out on the TPD or we'll screw up your plans by voting NO in the referendum - How you actually vote on the day of the referendum is your business and no one elses. I'm sure there are a fair number of people who've signed who will eventually vote yes but the point is we are trying to register our displeasure in one of the few ways left to us...
This may be why there is a low take up,i`m guessing of course,please discuss more.

Sadly i see this as a bit of a childish threat which will not help our cause.
By threatening to leave the EU because we don`t get what we WANT is not the answer for me personally.
My late dad always used to say "I want never gets" this little saying has stuck with me for some reason.

Many folks are being ground down and the fight is being diluted due to too many petitions.
Some folks might not want to put their names to this for many reasons?
(please do post up here why you don`t want to sign without fear)

I`m not happy about how EU legislation effects the UK on many issues,not just vaping,but threatening to vote to leave on this one issue honestly doesn`t work for me.

I am really sorry to the good people who have signed up already for my lack of support to what i see as a kind of misguided blackmail,sorry again and i do not mean to offend.

I would rather commit to civil disobedience and a bending of the rules our government and/or the EU tries to implement on me as i already do regarding other stupid and unjustifiable laws/rules (no examples of this will be written by me here,so please do not ask).

This is just my own personal honest opinion.

Please try to talk me round without begging.
Look, It's a threat - a protest designed to show how upset we are. The threat is get us an opt out on the TPD or we'll screw up your plans by voting NO in the referendum - How you actually vote on the day of the referendum is your business and no one elses. I'm sure there are a fair number of people who've signed who will eventually vote yes but the point is we are trying to register our displeasure in one of the few ways left to us...
Call it a "Threat" all you want, anything that I sign I take seriously, so I wont be signing something that I wont be doing... simples
So some would rather break the law after the fact than offer an ultimatum to attempt to prevent the law being enacted?

And others don't want to sign because they think there's been too many petitions?

Vaping really is fucked.
The last time i openly protested peacefully I got physically removed from the streets of London and gained another mark on my crb which didn't help my career any. Civil disobedience hasn't worked and the more we sit back and let Brussels impose laws on us the more we will lose a voice. Our rights to free speech, rights of association, right to strike and right to privacy are already hugely restricted. How far are people willing to let things go before they take notice
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