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The 100Thousand campaign...

We all pretty much know what they are trying to do is wrong,i`m posting up what i think is constructive criticism ,trying to help the people who havn`t signed yet feel they will not be ganged up against if they don`t understand or want to sign,maybe give people a safe platform to openly discuss why they don`t want to sign.

Vaping is not fucked,it is being fucked with for sure though.
Oh and the other thing i thought of was that most vape products are nothing at all to do with tobacco,surely only the tobacco flavors and maybe nicotine should even be considered by the TPD ?

So other flavors and 0 nic does not qualify for inclusion.

They are full of shit,we all know,whatever they decide,we will find a way round it,somehow.
If they try to ban us,we will have the right to appeal and demonstrate.
If they try to ban us,we will have the right to appeal and demonstrate.

Bollox, right to protest may be a human right but it's been eroded and watered down under the anti terrorism and anti social laws that are abused. Effectively it can be used to make demonstrations in the city of London unlawful. Along with kettleing and the stop and search laws. You can also be charged by the met for traffic control which can run into thousands of pounds,
Bollox, right to protest may be a human right but it's been eroded and watered down under the anti terrorism and anti social laws that are abused. Effectively it can be used to make demonstrations in the city of London unlawful. Along with kettleing and the stop and search laws. You can also be charged by the met for traffic control which can run into thousands of pounds,

Well at least we can ALL now feel a little of what the suffragettes movement felt like re votes for women.
I`m not jumping under a horse to try and prove my point though ;)

Can WTF my own post before someone else does?

Peace and equality :D
Job done , now eu and the government butt the fuck out and tackle issues that really matter....
I signed the petition earlier.

I noticed it had just under 3500 signatures.

Sadly a pretty pi** poor response if the target is 100k signatures
I signed the petition earlier.

I noticed it had just under 3500 signatures.

Sadly a pretty pi** poor response if the target is 100k signatures

Another reason might be this quoted from the front page.

A Thought

If you are very rich – or very annoyed with the TPD – then please give a donation to the campaign:

100 Thousand Ltd
Sort Code: 30-96-19 Account Number: 24 92 94 68

If you are a business looking for a VAT receipt please email [email protected]"
So just sign it and don't give them the contents to your Swiss deposit box?
So just sign it and don't give them the contents to your Swiss deposit box?

I know it`s only optional to donate.

But what i am trying to point out is this may be one of the many reasons why there is such a low uptake.

Some people are skeptical and with good reason,they may see a request for a donation of money as a scam,throwing the whole thing into doubt.

I only have a basic UK bank account and my pillows are not stuffed with cash either.
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