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The 100Thousand campaign...

How do you link the picture for your sig? Mine is currently going to the wrong site haha

wouldnt mind it going to the right place
For anyone else who wants the link code see post 72 in this thread
I know it`s only optional to donate.

But what i am trying to point out is this may be one of the many reasons why there is such a low uptake.

Some people are skeptical and with good reason,they may see a request for a donation of money as a scam,throwing the whole thing into doubt.

I only have a basic UK bank account and my pillows are not stuffed with cash either.

Scepticism is a laudable approach to life - but it doesn't define as the ability to go "Hmm, I think there's something iffy about that so I won't bother finding out anything else". That approach is nothing more than indolence and a celebration of ignorance.

CASAA, the largest vaper organisation in the world, also exists on contributions. But then so too does the Red Cross, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and Wikipedia. Being asked if you can spare some cash doesn't mean therefore you have to ignore the homeless person for fear 'they are just in it for the money'. It is possible to do something proactive without committing money.

If these fictitious people exist, refusing to sign because of a request for money, then they are stupid. How do these imaginary individuals think anything can be changed or achieved if they do not take part? Some magic vaping fairy?

Stacks of people on here leap at the opportunity to win a pile of crap in a thread - but they can't add their fucking name to a petition? The last petition? The final act of protest before all of this is probably lost to us in this form? They can't spend 90 fucking seconds typing around thirty fucking words into a webpage?

Funnily though, none of these people are saying why they aren't signing. They can't even be bothered to do that either.
After living in a shared house for several years I have come to realise most people will not lift a finger unless something is having immediate impact on them in the present. They will do as little as humanly possible.
After living in a shared house for several years I have come to realise most people will not lift a finger unless something is having immediate impact on them in the present. They will do as little as humanly possible.
They sound like my children.

I find screaming "wankers" and "do what I fucking tell you" helps as they appreciate direction in their lives.
Funnily though, none of these people are saying why they aren't signing. They can't even be bothered to do that either.

I said why i'm not signing. :)
Nothing against the whole help save vaping thing... Just I don't agree with how its worded. I'm not gonna sign something that I have no intention to actually do, That would make me no better then the scum bags forcing this shit on us
Today’s failure by the European Court of Justice to halt the TPD steamroller is a challenge to UK vapers to play ‪#‎brexitpoker‬ with Commission.http://bit.ly/1J46mIh The EU will blink first as UK’s 3 million vaping voters could easily decide close referendum. For the EU giving UK Article 20 opt-out is very small concession when calibrated against UK EU exit.
Concerning the special rules for e-cigarettes, Advocate General Kokott states that those rules differ appreciably in several respects from the rules for conventional tobacco products. For example, the special rules for e-cigarettes provide for, inter alia, a duty to submit a notification with a six-month standstill period, specific warnings, a maximum nicotine content of 20 mg/ml, a leaflet requirement, a separate prohibition on advertising and sponsorship and annual reporting obligations. Those special rules are, however, relatively moderate, both in comparison with the rules for conventional tobacco products and by international standards, and are ultimately not disproportionate. Advocate General Kokott emphasises in that regard that e-cigarettes are a novel and — for large parts of the population at least — still relatively little known product for which there is a rapidly developing market. In addition, it is not manifestly wrong or unreasonable to accept, in adopting internal market harmonisation measures, that e-cigarettes possibly cause risks to human health and that that product could — above all in the case of adolescents and young adults — develop into a gateway to nicotine addiction and, ultimately, traditional tobacco consumption. Also in the case of e-cigarettes, the EU legislature was entitled to take the view, having regard in particular to the fundamental differences between the Member States’ rules and the cross-border dimension of the problem, that rules at Union level are required. With regard to compliance with the principle of subsidiarity in adopting the new tobacco directive, Advocate General Kokott takes the view that it is adequately documented that the EU legislature had comprehensive material on which it could base its evaluation of compliance with the principle of subsidiarity. Nevertheless, she strongly advises the Union legislature to avoid in future empty formulas on the principle of subsidiarity like the one contained in the directive and instead to enhance the preamble to the EU measure in question with sufficiently substantial statements regarding the principle of subsidiarity which are tailored to the measures in question. NOTE: The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice. It is the role of the Advocates General to propose to the Court, in complete independence, a legal solution to the cases for which they are 5Until now the requirement has been 30% for the front surface of the unit packet and 40% for the back surface of the unit packet. www.curia.europa.eu responsible. The Judges of the Court are now beginning their deliberations in this case. Judgment will be given at a later date. Unofficial document for media use, not binding on the Court of Justice
Is anyone here a member on other UK based vaping forums? I only use this but seems like there is always a thread with petitions to sign and people here always trying to get the message out. How are the other forums for this?
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