I have never managed to mix GVC quite right, followed loads of recipes and it never tastes as nice. In fact I don't think I have had much success with many juices other than a simple Lemon menthol and Inawra Cool Mint and spearmint, the very simple ones are the only tidy mixes I have any luck with.
Have you tried this one? http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/recipes/grants-vanilla-custard-clone
I also came up with this version http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/recipes/kms-vc-version1
See above for the link to the VC Grant Clone :0thats a lot of juice for just one mortal. gvc sounds easy to do i have the flavors ready to go, doing a mix this afternoon, hoping it tastes better than grants going to put vanillin and ethymatol in, his is good or was.
what was your % on flavours etc?
The Exspresso for 100 ml was 10% exspresso and 5% coffee
Premades also are most likely dilluted with Water. 70PG shouldnt be "thick"I've only just started mixing my own. I've done a bottle of peach and a bottle of aniseed. Did em both at 70% pg and 30% vg and they both taste great but the juice seems very thick. Way thicker than juices I've bought premade. Will steeping thin em down or should I have diluted the vg?
My calculations is based on shop price coil for some atomisers. Yes re-coil yourself will save even more money. Dont tell the government all these cheapness, they dont like the idea of not being able to tax us, Even harder to tax us when we use every day products and last for ages.