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the next pandemic


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Jun 12, 2016
it has been known for some time at a deadly pandemic will happen. that is a bold statement to make but it's true from the ted talks from bill gates to podcasts one of which was hosted about a pandemic in October 2019 with a fictional situation over a flu pandemic coming from a mutation of bird flu. Dr Fauci was a guest which is a little ironic.


Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was governor of California spent millions on a disaster fund with mobile hospitals masks in the millions etc when he lost the post the new governer short of cash sold off the massive stockpile of kit as the state needed the dollars as the bad things were not going to happen.

but will we be prepared for the next one can we all breath a sigh of relief as big pharma has got around the test tube and by the summer so many vaccines will be out the choice will be like Tescos....

but what about the next time.....nature has a way of throwing spanners...as mankind grows land and gets pushed back be it the rainforest or the large fields of land they are carved up for food to feed the expanding population

working in a female environment when I first started having a family was one child, 2 or 3 was seen as being rough as a badgers arse common chaf's now 2 is the norm 3 is seen as fine but a conversation with a consultant last year over human behaviour tugged a chord

"two to three children are the norm and that's fine but how are we going to feed everyone, we talk about the virus but have you ever thought that we might be one"

the human population is like a virus? and he expanded upon that, we develop, expand take over an area use all the resources then expand some more until when?

I see this when I drive to work it's subtle "their building house over the other side of the river" or "farmer davies sold all that land to Wimpey, Tescos is going there also wasn't that green belt"

I'm not talking about doom and some conspiracy shite I'm talking normal facts, from roaming caribou on the vast plans of land to fish in the sea when their populations exhaust the food available they suffer die-off.

the next pandemic?
This country shuts down after a centimeter of snow, even though it happens practically ever year, so my answer is no.

I have been saying for a while that the human race is essentially a virus on the planet. We multiply exponentially, have no natural predators and destroy the place we live in.
I was told technology will save us which is great but technology uses more resources... I have a phone as all of us do these days it's made using materials that are mined from the earth some of which we are running out of plus I am a slave to the phone I know this to well and lockdown proved it

in the height of lockdown and now still to get a job, not in the NHS was one of going to Asda or Tescos or delivering food so in effect "we will all be working for Asda" coined a phrase shop in Asda work in Asda and then the funeral is by Asda one-stop-shop of a life cycle
I was told technology will save us which is great but technology uses more resources... I have a phone as all of us do these days it's made using materials that are mined from the earth some of which we are running out of plus I am a slave to the phone I know this to well and lockdown proved it

in the height of lockdown and now still to get a job, not in the NHS was one of going to Asda or Tescos or delivering food so in effect "we will all be working for Asda" coined a phrase shop in Asda work in Asda and then the funeral is by Asda one-stop-shop of a life cycle
In essence, technology will save us, by taking us to another planet to infect and destroy.
I think it's all a very negative and fucked up way of looking at things to be honest.
I think it's all a very negative and fucked up way of looking at things to be honest.

Your right it is negative but what is the positive, at the end of the day the negative was that man caused the virus the positive is we have a better understanding of the virus and are developing a vaccine a save humankind but are we saving ourselves from destroying our own home?
Perhaps I should not put posts up like this it’s too negative it just an observation a point to discuss that’s all

I’m sorry

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Your right it is negative but what is the positive, at the end of the day the negative was that man caused the virus the positive is we have a better understanding of the virus and are developing a vaccine a save humankind but are we saving ourselves from destroying our own home?

Sorry, I meant the whole 'Humans are a virus, infecting other planets' stuff. :)
I don't see it as negative, it's an unfortunate reality. Glossing over the cracks is what has lead us to breaking point imo.

Falsifying figures, lying about the causes and roots of issues, fighting over natural resources and space, killing each other over who's imaginary friend is the best.

Denying the truth and ignoring the facts will end in tears, as the evidence has shown.
the human population is like a virus? and he expanded upon that, we develop, expand take over an area use all the resources then expand some more until when?

That was Agent Smith - 1999 than Governor Arnie - 2006

(but the saying has been around for yonks)
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