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The True Reasons: Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?


Oct 11, 2016

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?


In a survey according to the World Health Organization, tobacco smoking is responsible for the death of approximately 5 million people every year, yet many millions of people are not aware of the imperativeness of smoke cessation, and the numerous who realized how critical it is to quit fail to achieve freedom from smoking or frequently relapse. In this article, I will try to search into and recognize the nature of tobacco smoking, its effect, and why it is extremely difficult to quit smoking.

Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke is breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Experts say that cigarette smoke contains over 4000 different compounds, and a significant number of them are carcinogenic including acetaldehyde, acetone, acrolein, benzene, and tar (70% of the tar remains in the lungs). Nicotine is one of the many thousands of chemicals smokers inhale during the combustion.


Smoking is known to be responsible for about 90% of all lung cancer deaths and about 80% of all the deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cigarette smoking increases risk for death from all causes in men and women and smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. I don't have to reiterate the wicked effects of smoking here; many of you who took up E-cigarette as the last resort to quit smoking already know what havoc cigarettes were wreaking in your life.


I will be honest, many people do use smoking as a means to socialize and those who are nervous or crushed often found smoking an effect way to relieve their stress. Smoking is a haven to escape and hide from the suffocating pressure of reality, though its effectiveness is but illusionary and short-lived. Kids are curious about smoking, and many teenagers consider it a must-have in order to appear cool; smoking IS a mighty mainstream culture and in many ways it draws and captivates people despite its many vices and few virtues.

Smoking is, if you would do justice to the numerous testimonies of ex-smokers or those who still struggle in the deep mire of addiction, extremely difficult to quit; indeed the difficulty to quit smoking arises from the following areas.


The chief culprit is nicotine, a highly addictive drug that acts in the brain and throughout the body, responsible for keeping smokers collared. Over time, your body gets used to having nicotine and always craves more. When nicotine supply is stopped, your body feels the suspension, and experiences certain physical symptoms. Many people relapse because they could not endure the unpleasant reactions their bodies are subjected to and in order to relieve discomfit, they find recourse in taking up that which they so painfully put down. But the truth is, that the worst withdrawal symptoms only last a few days to a couple of weeks. Many people succumb to the tyranny of smoking in this strenuous period.


A second felon would be triggers. Many smokers fell back at certain moments when they were able to withstand the physical tension but not the psychological nostalgia, which when kindled in specific environments, may trigger smokers the urge to smoke. It is advisable to anticipate these smoking triggers and flee from temptation, for men are not able to overpower the devil. For example, go to places that don't allow smoking, and spend more time with non-smokers.


A third and the most subtle culprit would be the age-long habit which developed throughout the years unnoticed. Like a chronic masturbator who surrenders to temptation even when there is no immediate sexual drive, so does a chain smoker capitulate under no irresistible urge. Luckily, habits can be broken, if the reason to quit is powerful enough. Many people succeeded when they realized that their families were being ruined by their habit. They thought about the health and welfare of their families, and they repented.


This is but an incomplete introduction of what smoking is, its effects and why it is difficult to quit. Salute here to those who struggle against smoking and are fighting their desperate war of will.

Tags: Quit smoking, E-cigarettes
Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?


In a survey according to the World Health Organization, tobacco smoking is responsible for the death of approximately 5 million people every year, yet many millions of people are not aware of the imperativeness of smoke cessation, and the numerous who realized how critical it is to quit fail to achieve freedom from smoking or frequently relapse. In this article, I will try to search into and recognize the nature of tobacco smoking, its effect, and why it is extremely difficult to quit smoking.

Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke is breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Experts say that cigarette smoke contains over 4000 different compounds, and a significant number of them are carcinogenic including acetaldehyde, acetone, acrolein, benzene, and tar (70% of the tar remains in the lungs). Nicotine is one of the many thousands of chemicals smokers inhale during the combustion.


Smoking is known to be responsible for about 90% of all lung cancer deaths and about 80% of all the deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cigarette smoking increases risk for death from all causes in men and women and smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. I don't have to reiterate the wicked effects of smoking here; many of you who took up E-cigarette as the last resort to quit smoking already know what havoc cigarettes were wreaking in your life.


I will be honest, many people do use smoking as a means to socialize and those who are nervous or crushed often found smoking an effect way to relieve their stress. Smoking is a haven to escape and hide from the suffocating pressure of reality, though its effectiveness is but illusionary and short-lived. Kids are curious about smoking, and many teenagers consider it a must-have in order to appear cool; smoking IS a mighty mainstream culture and in many ways it draws and captivates people despite its many vices and few virtues.

Smoking is, if you would do justice to the numerous testimonies of ex-smokers or those who still struggle in the deep mire of addiction, extremely difficult to quit; indeed the difficulty to quit smoking arises from the following areas.


The chief culprit is nicotine, a highly addictive drug that acts in the brain and throughout the body, responsible for keeping smokers collared. Over time, your body gets used to having nicotine and always craves more. When nicotine supply is stopped, your body feels the suspension, and experiences certain physical symptoms. Many people relapse because they could not endure the unpleasant reactions their bodies are subjected to and in order to relieve discomfit, they find recourse in taking up that which they so painfully put down. But the truth is, that the worst withdrawal symptoms only last a few days to a couple of weeks. Many people succumb to the tyranny of smoking in this strenuous period.


A second felon would be triggers. Many smokers fell back at certain moments when they were able to withstand the physical tension but not the psychological nostalgia, which when kindled in specific environments, may trigger smokers the urge to smoke. It is advisable to anticipate these smoking triggers and flee from temptation, for men are not able to overpower the devil. For example, go to places that don't allow smoking, and spend more time with non-smokers.


A third and the most subtle culprit would be the age-long habit which developed throughout the years unnoticed. Like a chronic masturbator who surrenders to temptation even when there is no immediate sexual drive, so does a chain smoker capitulate under no irresistible urge. Luckily, habits can be broken, if the reason to quit is powerful enough. Many people succeeded when they realized that their families were being ruined by their habit. They thought about the health and welfare of their families, and they repented.


This is but an incomplete introduction of what smoking is, its effects and why it is difficult to quit. Salute here to those who struggle against smoking and are fighting their desperate war of will.

Tags: Quit smoking, E-cigarettes
even the picture of a stinkie these days makes me thing "why the hell did i puff on they things for 20 years"
i was at an event on Sunday and it was belting down with rain so when i went outside to vape i had to use the sheltered smoking area, it was horrible, i could smell other peoples smoke on my clothes when i went back in.
we all know the many reasons why smoking is addictive and the plethora of reasons people continue to smoke or indeed start smoking.
the pictures on the cig packets are a good indication of the dangers aswell
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