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There maybe trouble ahead!

i wonder if maybe they’ve come and don’t know there are specific restrictions here. it’s not exactly
been communicated well even to folk that live here, to be fair. the lot that have moved in next door to us had a party last night, apologises today when i dug then up about the noise. another party in the building two along. but how would they know?

i think they should abolish hmo houses. it’s a scam, it lets landlord charge ridiculous amounts of money for shitholes. if youngsters canny live like normal human beings they should be confined to student accommodation.
i wonder if maybe they’ve come and don’t know there are specific restrictions here. it’s not exactly
been communicated well even to folk that live here, to be fair. the lot that have moved in next door to us had a party last night, apologises today when i dug then up about the noise. another party in the building two along. but how would they know?

i think they should abolish hmo houses. it’s a scam, it lets landlord charge ridiculous amounts of money for shitholes. if youngsters canny live like normal human beings they should be confined to student accommodation.

Yay let's all blame the young uns
Was never like that when we were young.:eek:
Yay let's all blame the young uns
Was never like that when we were young.:eek:
Yes, the young are all bloody delinquents, they are the ones responsible for all the fires, beastiality, weird sex parties, booze and general lawlessness around here. How fucking dare they, I like a quiet dull life, honest.
Yes, the young are all bloody delinquents, they are the ones responsible for all the fires, beastiality, weird sex parties, booze and general lawlessness around here. How fucking dare they, I like a quiet dull life, honest.

I see you've taught them well.
i think when they are having house parties and wandering along my street in groups of ten or more, it’s quite reasonable to blame them, no?
In that instance yes, whoever is meeting like that should be blamed as the rules are pretty clear. However, we are under local restrictions that state we are not supposed to do anything with anyone but our own household but I spoke to a friend today who boasted about playing golf and going for drinks with 2 friends (all from different houses) and they are all in their 40s so it's not just the young.
i think when they are having house parties and wandering along my street in groups of ten or more, it’s quite reasonable to blame them, no?

Can't speak for you but i know what i was like at that age.
It was'nt pretty :11:
Can't speak for you but i know what i was like at that age.
It was'nt pretty :11:

aye but when you were that age there wasn’t a fuckin global epidemic on the go. it’s awright for you, you don’t need to live next door to them oot there in the arse end a fuckin naewhere. :D
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